Fairy - the keeper of the family

The food in the air express, and in front of me violently to sort things out, a young married couple. The quarrel all the rules: here and throwing the phone (in a man), and snatching bags (woman), and lightweight brawl (mutual), and yelling at the whole car, "Fool ... goat ... Fuck you ... go and son take away ..." (female ) and tears (for women) and the sullen silence (male). In general, a common scene, the average after a long holiday between tired of each other people, one of which is in an existential crisis, Mr. PMS.
At that time I was on the phone and companion, hearing these cries, asks what is happening.
And I told him, and say out loud that that's just in my eyes becomes for one free man more idea ... that's literally 5 minutes and everything well, plus about 2 months for a divorce ... and I'm here so first in line, yeah ... no, I know about their belongings ... yes, the child has one ... yes, it's not terrible, it is just 25% of the alimony on s / n ... yeah, pretty ... yeah, like ...
The couple fell silent and stared at me. I do all this talking and smiling man. And the man smiled back and, when moved from his wife to another number, then a couple of times turned in my direction, and we are still smiling at each other. His wife even cried a little, got up, glared at me disdainfully and moved to her husband, which is something he start gentle cooing and kissing her neck. When they came out of the car, she held him by the arm and held a couple of times evil looked at me.
I'm a fairy. I saved a couple from divorce.