Secret recipe lacy pancakes

Pancakes - one of the oldest products of Russian cuisine. It has a great variety of recipes, and all because the chef prepares each meal flour in its own way.
Website sharing with you a simple recipe custard pancakes, which you do not spend a lot of time, and your family will love.
You will need:
1 cup of yogurt 1 egg 1 cup of flour 1/3 ch. l. soda 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 1/2 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. sugar 1/3 ch. l. salt
Take yogurt, egg, sugar, salt, flour and mix thoroughly. In boiling water add the soda, stir and quickly pour in the batter. Again, all we mix and give the dough stand for 10 minutes. Add to the mixture of vegetable oil and mix. Pancakes bake on a greased pan.
via coocoo.me/1952