10 golden rules of Anton Makarenko education
Anton Makarenko - one of the greatest educators not only the USSR but also the whole world. UNESCO, in particular, called him and Maria Montessori teachers who laid the foundations of modern ideas about education.
For its time, Makarenko was an innovator and opens things that today seem obvious to us already. For example, he often spoke bitterly that teachers all over the world to ignore the love and regard it as an extra in the education. Makarenko was sure to grow a happy man without love is impossible.
< Website I have collected the most important statements of the great educator, psychologist and writer.
1. Your own behavior - the most important thing in education. H3> Do not think that you educate a child only when talking to him, and teaches him or order him. you raise it in every moment of your life, even when you are not home
How you dress, how you talk to other people and other people like you are happy or sad, how you treat your friends or enemies as you laugh, read the paper - all this is of great importance for the child. The slightest change in the tone of a child sees or feels, all the turns your thoughts reach him invisible ways, you do not notice.
If the house you are rude or boastful or pyanstvuete, and even worse, if you insult his mother, you do not need to think about education: you have to bring up your children and educate poor and no best tips and techniques will not help you.
2. Parenting requires a very serious tone, the most simple and sincere. H3> These three qualities should be the ultimate truth of your life. And serious does not mean that you should always be inflated, pompous. Just be sincere, let your mood and corresponds to the essence of what is happening in your family.
3. Every mother and father should have a good idea of what they want to instill in your child. H3> We must clearly realize about their own parents' desires. Think well on this matter, and you'll see a lot and you have made mistakes, and many right ways ahead.
4. You should be familiar with what to do, where and who is surrounded by your child. H3> But you have to give him the necessary freedom so that it is not only for your own personal influence, and under many diverse influences life. You have to develop a child's ability to deal with alien and harmful people and circumstances, to deal with them, to recognize them in time. The greenhouse upbringing in an isolated hatching can not develop this.
5. Educational work is above all a work of the organizers. H3> In this business there are no trifles. The educational work is no piece of cake. Good organization lies in the fact that it does not lose sight of the smallest detail and cases. Trifles are a regular, daily, hourly, and the sum of these lives.
For education needs no more time, and the judicious use of small-time.
6. Do not impose your help, but always be ready to help. H3> Parental assistance should not be intrusive, bothersome, tedious. In some cases, it is imperative to give the child to get out of trouble, need him to get used to overcome obstacles and solve more complex issues.
But we must always see how the child performs some operation should not be allowed to become entangled and was in despair. Sometimes it is necessary that the child saw your alertness, attention and confidence in its forces.
7. Do not pay and do not punish for results. H3> I strongly do not recommend to use in the field of labor any incentives or penalties. The labor problem and its solution must themselves deliver the child is satisfied that he felt joy. Recognition of his work is good work to be the best reward for his work
But even with the verbal approval will never be abused, in particular, should not praise the child for work performed in the presence of your friends and acquaintances. Especially do not need to punish him for poor performance or for work not done. The most important thing in this case - to ensure that it is still executed.
8. To teach a child to love is impossible without education for human dignity. H3> to learn to love, learn to recognize the love, to learn to be happy - it means learning to respect myself, to teach human dignity.
9. Never sacrificing himself a child. H3> usually say: "We, mother and father, all to send their children, sacrificing everything to him, including his own happiness." This is the worst gift, which can make the child's parents.
This is such a terrible gift that can be recommended if you want to poison your child, give him a drink in a large dose of your own happiness, and it is poison.
10. Teach a man can not be happy, but to raise it so that he was happy, it is possible. H3>
And finally, another great quote from the master:
«Love - is the greatest feeling, which works wonders, which creates new people and create the greatest human values».
According to the materials: Polavkam
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