Cleanses the body and skin.

Already half of the course - clean skin of the face, 100% free from acne. Velvet and perfectly soft skin of the whole body as silk!
You will forget about constipation! Farewell to slag, which before this time the volume of the stomach attached! Stop aching joints! And no sweating!
1. Purchase at the pharmacy birch tar and a pipette.
2. When you go to bed on a small piece of bread drip 5 drops of birch tar quickly chew and swallow. First there will be unpleasant, but gradually get used.
3. The next day, 6 drops drip, and so increasing by 1 drop every day and get to 10.
4. take 10 drops 2 weeks, then begin to diminish one drop and reach 5 drops. The whole process takes 24 days!
5. Once chewed with a little piece of birch tar, no and no wash down a snack! It does not matter black or white bread. Most importantly, the procedure was daily for 24 days with no gaps - "forgetting».
6. Do not overdo it - carry out the procedure twice a year - spring and fall.
For the aged! (This part is optional!)
Two weeks after the procedure with the bread, the same (second process) takes place, but not for bread, and a piece of apple, which is a long time never delayed and soon gets into the intestine, where it continues to clean the body!
For information:
Tar birch - oily, dark characteristic smelling liquid.
It has strong antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiseptic ...
It is widely used for the treatment of various diseases:
- Chronic tonsillitis,
- Edema,
- Hair loss,
- Fungal diseases of the skin,
- Gangrene,
- Asthma,
- Long-term healing tropical ulcers,
- Scrofula,
- Expression of guts,
- Hysteria,
- Itchy skin,
- Splinters,
- Oily skin,
- Skin ulcers,
- Rash,
- Night blindness,
- Bleeding,
- Urolithiasis,
- Puerperal mastitis
- Microbial ekzematoidy,
- Tumor pox sores,
- Psoriasis,
- Dandruff,
- Indigestion,
- Mug,
- Leprosy,
- Injured skin,
- Multi-colored lichen,
- Painful blisters,
- Chronic eczema,
- Chronic inflammation of the middle ear,
- Tuberculosis,
- Scurvy,
- Scabies,
- Psoriasis,
- Athlete's groin,
- Athlete's foot.
In the treatment of skin diseases: scabies, eczema, psoriasis, psoriasis, ulcers and various rashes - is used pure tar.
He is also part of ointments Vishnevsky, tar soap, etc. & quot ;.
Each for himself must decide whether or not to drink tar, apply - or not. You can look for more information in the books, the internet, talk to a doctor you trust - and make a final decision.
(protivopokazaniya- pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies)