Stunning the old New York in a photo project Brandon Stanton
The "Fotoperepis New York" coined by photographer Brandon Stanton street. It removes older New Yorkers and writes their words. They are beautiful, fun and mudry.A what wonderful and right words heard from their lips! Website invites you to stroll around New York and listen to his most adult residents.
1. After I made a picture of her, she cheek for a kiss. After the kiss, she said, "Is not love wonderful?" "Yes, that's right" - I replied. Then she leaned over and said: "But sex is better».
2. I love when people understand the style of their age, rather than hide it. Whether it's gray hair, or a cane, or points - there are advantages associated with having the experience. They should be worn as a medal.
3. I'm in love with her hair and shawl. Fortunately, the wind made them focus.
5. «Put me on the Internet! Even on Google! »
7. It was so cool. Yesterday I had the honor of being photographed by photographer Jill Enfield. It uses the same method by which to do portraits of soldiers still in the civil war. This process is called "wet collodion" and is to carry a portable darkroom. After the picture is taken, Jill immediately uses a special blend of chemicals to transfer photos to a piece of glass. Recently, she used this method in a series of portraits of new immigrants who have recently moved to the United States. She explains: "With this method, I can show that they are no less brave than those who sailed in boats 150 years ago».
Watch a short video of Jill in action:
8. Because of my tendency to ask people to sit on the street, I had to purchase a unique experience: to scream at his mother Alec Baldwin (left). Which, by the way, gave me the opportunity to look with interest on the life of Alec. This is Elaine Stritch, Broadway legend, who plays the mother of Alec Baldwin in the series 30 Rock.
9. Yesterday I came across a national treasure. I walked along 3rd Avenue, when he saw an old man in a wheelchair. His guardians were taken. Despite his physical condition, he was dressed very provocatively. It was a bizarre yellow suit. Everything about him was yellow, even socks. Intrigued by his appearance, I leaned over to him and asked permission to photograph him. He silently nodded.
After I took the picture, he was accompanied by formally introduced, "This is the Banana George, the oldest skiers in the world. He is now 97. When he was 92, he set a world record as the oldest man waterskiing barefoot ».
Here you can see a short video that I found. Banana George skiing on its 90th anniversary:
10. Meeting in Chelsea.
11. «I would never wear something boring».
12. «It's like a compress on the corpse».
13. «If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?" - "Be good and be a man!»
14. «I'm eighty years old. Shestidesyatishestiletny man just flirting with me. But his daughter pulled him ».
15. Courtship.
16. Memories.
17. I asked what kind of leaves in her hat. She responded with a strong Russian accent: "The smell of the leaves lowers high blood pressure».
19. - What is your favorite feature in it - that she was so obedient.
- This is my answer, too. During the 56 years he has miraculously maintained all I wanted to do.
20. «Can we take a picture close-up?" - "I do not know. Thirty years ago it was possible ».
21. «Somebody saw her car keys?»
22. «Just take a picture of the bag. This is the best part. " - "Oh, come on." - "Well, not too close!»
23. «I am a widow for five years. And I worry that people are looking at the way I dress, decide that I do to pick up somebody. I would like to meet someone, but did not intend to do so ».
24. The first time I met this woman on Cinco de Mayo. She sat alone in the loud and crowded Mexican restaurant, reading a book. She was dressed in a T-shirt with the inscription: "It's not the years in your life, and the life in your years." I ran into her again yesterday. This time it was with an equally stunning message on the shirt: "She - the one who must obey».
25. «I am a Catholic monk. I live a life of prayer. " - "What about cigarettes?" - "Someone has to do the cloud».
26. «What do you like most about your wife?" - "I can not say it out loud!»
27. Make a handkerchief for tears of emotion.
28. «What is your favorite feature in it?" - "It does not matter, all that makes it better." - "What is your favorite feature in it?" - "Her sense of adventure».
31. Elvis is alive!
32. «She's my new, more advanced version».
34. «We are both involved in the civil rights movement. We met 47 years ago at the rally ».
35. «People are trying to buy my hat with the head».
36. «I am an artist, and clothes - my art».
38. «We are best friends since 1967».
40. «We get along very well».
41. «If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?" - "Love." - "How many times have you loved?" - "One. And then she was gone ».
42. «I was a backup Cramer».
44. «I can like this!»
47. «What was the most difficult in my life?" - "Oh. I do not complain ».
48. meeting in Harlem.
49. Good news! All other mysteries of the universe have been solved yesterday afternoon.
51. «Want to hear a crazy story? I went to an exhibition in the International Center of Photography and saw his picture on the wall! »
53. «He injured his front leg».
54. I asked how they continue to love each other. And they replied as follows: "She never forgets that she is my mother." - "And he never forgets that he is my son».
55. He tried to justify himself: "I am their grandchildren».
57. «When my husband died, I said," Darling, how will I live without you? "He replied:" Take your love to me and distribute it around "».
58. If this guy does not make you smile, I can not help you.
59. «We will soon be living in a corporate fascist state. No one on that does not pay attention. We pay 3, 5 dollars for a cup of coffee. You know what the cost per pound of coffee beans? 3, $ 5. But no one knows. The reason - nothing nobody's business ».
60. When she left, then turned and said, "Remember, Cowgirls everywhere».
61. «I live with a bunch of retirees. All they are doing - playing cards and bingo ».
62. «Do what you want. Do not listen to anyone. Just do what you want ».
63. «The photo is on my website tomorrow." Woman: "Oh, great!" Man: "Oh, Jesus».
65. «These are the rules of the club: you must be over 50 years old, you should wear red and you must have the desire to have fun».
67. «You have to learn to approach everything with a positive mindset. Even those things that you do not want to do. " - "It sounds complicated. How do you do? "-" Well, I was almost crushed by a wall of bricks while working on a construction site. And it helped to change their point of view ».
69. «It is very important not to rush through life so that you can not find the time to do the things that you really need to do." - "What things would you like to get more time?" - "I have learned to drive a racing car. He learned to cook. Tighten to one young lady. I have prepared a stack of books, but I had to read them 50 years ago. I do not read "Harry Potter"! »
via bigpicture.ru/?p=392825
1. After I made a picture of her, she cheek for a kiss. After the kiss, she said, "Is not love wonderful?" "Yes, that's right" - I replied. Then she leaned over and said: "But sex is better».

2. I love when people understand the style of their age, rather than hide it. Whether it's gray hair, or a cane, or points - there are advantages associated with having the experience. They should be worn as a medal.

3. I'm in love with her hair and shawl. Fortunately, the wind made them focus.


5. «Put me on the Internet! Even on Google! »


7. It was so cool. Yesterday I had the honor of being photographed by photographer Jill Enfield. It uses the same method by which to do portraits of soldiers still in the civil war. This process is called "wet collodion" and is to carry a portable darkroom. After the picture is taken, Jill immediately uses a special blend of chemicals to transfer photos to a piece of glass. Recently, she used this method in a series of portraits of new immigrants who have recently moved to the United States. She explains: "With this method, I can show that they are no less brave than those who sailed in boats 150 years ago».

Watch a short video of Jill in action:
8. Because of my tendency to ask people to sit on the street, I had to purchase a unique experience: to scream at his mother Alec Baldwin (left). Which, by the way, gave me the opportunity to look with interest on the life of Alec. This is Elaine Stritch, Broadway legend, who plays the mother of Alec Baldwin in the series 30 Rock.

9. Yesterday I came across a national treasure. I walked along 3rd Avenue, when he saw an old man in a wheelchair. His guardians were taken. Despite his physical condition, he was dressed very provocatively. It was a bizarre yellow suit. Everything about him was yellow, even socks. Intrigued by his appearance, I leaned over to him and asked permission to photograph him. He silently nodded.

After I took the picture, he was accompanied by formally introduced, "This is the Banana George, the oldest skiers in the world. He is now 97. When he was 92, he set a world record as the oldest man waterskiing barefoot ».
Here you can see a short video that I found. Banana George skiing on its 90th anniversary:
10. Meeting in Chelsea.

11. «I would never wear something boring».

12. «It's like a compress on the corpse».

13. «If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?" - "Be good and be a man!»

14. «I'm eighty years old. Shestidesyatishestiletny man just flirting with me. But his daughter pulled him ».

15. Courtship.

16. Memories.

17. I asked what kind of leaves in her hat. She responded with a strong Russian accent: "The smell of the leaves lowers high blood pressure».


19. - What is your favorite feature in it - that she was so obedient.
- This is my answer, too. During the 56 years he has miraculously maintained all I wanted to do.

20. «Can we take a picture close-up?" - "I do not know. Thirty years ago it was possible ».

21. «Somebody saw her car keys?»

22. «Just take a picture of the bag. This is the best part. " - "Oh, come on." - "Well, not too close!»

23. «I am a widow for five years. And I worry that people are looking at the way I dress, decide that I do to pick up somebody. I would like to meet someone, but did not intend to do so ».

24. The first time I met this woman on Cinco de Mayo. She sat alone in the loud and crowded Mexican restaurant, reading a book. She was dressed in a T-shirt with the inscription: "It's not the years in your life, and the life in your years." I ran into her again yesterday. This time it was with an equally stunning message on the shirt: "She - the one who must obey».

25. «I am a Catholic monk. I live a life of prayer. " - "What about cigarettes?" - "Someone has to do the cloud».

26. «What do you like most about your wife?" - "I can not say it out loud!»

27. Make a handkerchief for tears of emotion.

28. «What is your favorite feature in it?" - "It does not matter, all that makes it better." - "What is your favorite feature in it?" - "Her sense of adventure».



31. Elvis is alive!

32. «She's my new, more advanced version».


34. «We are both involved in the civil rights movement. We met 47 years ago at the rally ».

35. «People are trying to buy my hat with the head».

36. «I am an artist, and clothes - my art».


38. «We are best friends since 1967».


40. «We get along very well».

41. «If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?" - "Love." - "How many times have you loved?" - "One. And then she was gone ».

42. «I was a backup Cramer».


44. «I can like this!»



47. «What was the most difficult in my life?" - "Oh. I do not complain ».

48. meeting in Harlem.

49. Good news! All other mysteries of the universe have been solved yesterday afternoon.


51. «Want to hear a crazy story? I went to an exhibition in the International Center of Photography and saw his picture on the wall! »


53. «He injured his front leg».

54. I asked how they continue to love each other. And they replied as follows: "She never forgets that she is my mother." - "And he never forgets that he is my son».

55. He tried to justify himself: "I am their grandchildren».


57. «When my husband died, I said," Darling, how will I live without you? "He replied:" Take your love to me and distribute it around "».

58. If this guy does not make you smile, I can not help you.

59. «We will soon be living in a corporate fascist state. No one on that does not pay attention. We pay 3, 5 dollars for a cup of coffee. You know what the cost per pound of coffee beans? 3, $ 5. But no one knows. The reason - nothing nobody's business ».

60. When she left, then turned and said, "Remember, Cowgirls everywhere».

61. «I live with a bunch of retirees. All they are doing - playing cards and bingo ».

62. «Do what you want. Do not listen to anyone. Just do what you want ».

63. «The photo is on my website tomorrow." Woman: "Oh, great!" Man: "Oh, Jesus».


65. «These are the rules of the club: you must be over 50 years old, you should wear red and you must have the desire to have fun».


67. «You have to learn to approach everything with a positive mindset. Even those things that you do not want to do. " - "It sounds complicated. How do you do? "-" Well, I was almost crushed by a wall of bricks while working on a construction site. And it helped to change their point of view ».


69. «It is very important not to rush through life so that you can not find the time to do the things that you really need to do." - "What things would you like to get more time?" - "I have learned to drive a racing car. He learned to cook. Tighten to one young lady. I have prepared a stack of books, but I had to read them 50 years ago. I do not read "Harry Potter"! »

via bigpicture.ru/?p=392825