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Psychopaths - who are they?

Who are the psychopaths, than they are dangerous and why is still not considered to be mentally ill? The site publishes an article psychophysiologist Vadim Rotenberg, which explains the motives of psychopaths.

asocial psychopaths h2> Once they appear difficult life situations, and things do not go as they would like, when their desires are not satisfied, they immediately show their anger, totally ignoring the reactions of others. Nothing stops them. In a state of rage, they can move on to direct aggression.

This behavior, ignoring social norms was called psychopathic. Among the perpetrators of the crime, the so-called antisocial psychopaths very much. Fortunately for all of us, psychopathy is not exempt from criminal liability, because it is not a mental illness, and especially the development of the individual. What is the difference between normal people by psychopaths in general and asocial psychopaths in particular?

In normal people have a very strong deterrent mechanisms - their social motives. It is such an internal need is not just to comply with accepted norms of behavior, and all of its essence to meet them, be a good person in his own eyes
And this - the fundamental difference between man and animal. Animals within a species are innate, biologically caused social instincts automatically prevent mutual destruction. When one of the fighting wolves feels defeated, he dutifully sticks to the winner's neck. And the winner, no matter how he was overheated battle without digging into his neck, teeth and kills the opponent. It's not noble. This is - the action of the social instinct.

Man is not born with social instincts, and if he has not developed the social motives, it can be much more dangerous to others than a wild beast. From crime it holds only the fear of punishment. But over the asocial psychopaths have no power, and it is. Why? Because they have no social motives combined with the features of temperament and thinking they are impulsive and are not able to assess the possible consequences of their behavior. This leads to disruption of self-control. Fortunately, the personality traits of antisocial psychopaths often catch the eye and can serve as a warning to others. What makes asocial psychopathy in a sense, less dangerous than social psychopathy.

Social psychopaths h2> identify them much harder. At first glance, they make a good impression and seems to show interest and attention to others . Their behavior is regulated, they have uncontrolled emotional outbursts ... And suddenly it turns out that this man is capable of doing behind your back any infamy - as long as it remains secret.

I knew a woman who very successfully led the largest academic program at a university. She seemed friendly and sympathetic man helped find themselves in a difficult situation, has been tolerated - and especially to the poor. And then I find out from an accidental witness of a conversation with this woman vice-rector of the university. It is very clearly hinted that recommends to dismiss the employee of its program - not simply one of the best teachers of the university, but the woman at the moment is in a very difficult situation. Chairwoman of the project decided to fire her "proxy", knowing that the vice-rector with the bureaucratic mentality teacher irritates his natural dignity and independence.

Then, by comparing a few more facts, I realized that the same sense of irritation it causes at the very instructor for the program that she has always supported not only the poor and wronged by fate, only those considered inferior and next to someone felt his superiority. And next to those who have been led to self-esteem, she felt uncomfortable, and felt a strong desire to substitute them pass. But preferably unnoticed - because she knew that to act like it is not accepted, and was able to calculate their moves.

This is the social behavior of psychopaths. Like antisocial psychopaths, they have no social motives. If they have to someone jealousy and envy (and they feel them very often), no moral standards, and do not become their own motives, can not stop them. But they have retained control over their behavior. They are not impulsive, their actions are ordered and prudent. They know, as it should behave so as not to cause a conviction.

This social psychopaths can commit monstrous crimes against the people who do not cause them personal animosity. The main thing that he himself is nothing without danger. From their ranks came monsters, torture and kill completely innocent people in the concentration camps. In the difficult conditions of war is that people without social motives much more than we could expect. They sincerely believe that their willingness to carry out immoral orders to the faithful performance of duty, and the Order - excuse any behavior. Moreover, the fact that they do not cause their heart no internal conflict! For example, during the trial of the head of the Gestapo department Adolf Eichmann was found out that this long-winded and orderly clerk calmly carried out the mass genocide, although it did not cause the victim had a personal enmity. And it did not prevent him to develop a detailed plan of their "industrial" destruction. Eichmann - a typical representative of the social psychopaths.

What can we oppose psychopathy? Parents need to remember that social motives begin to form in early childhood, If children feel warm attitude to them and if they are expected to counter the heat

via www.psychologies.ru/observers/rotenberg-vadim/psihopatyi-kto-oni/