10 scientific explanations of our strange behavior
Any oddities obyasnimyLyudi do strange things. Sometimes we do not even realize that the weird are conducting, until not stop and do not look at ourselves. So it is quite natural to ask why we are doing strange things and what is behind this behavior?
1. Reluctance to change a roll of toilet paper the list of difficult things we have to do every day, replacing ended toilet roll will occupy the last place.
But for some reason many of us hard to perform this simple procedure. Why is that? According to psychologists, the reason is not in our laziness, and that the replacement of the roll does not offer us any compensation for the internal efforts.
Similar household chores, such as taking out the trash or washing dishes, almost as boring, and they also do not have a special motivation, but they are, at least, give us inner satisfaction, because after these works in the home will no longer stink and there zavedutsya not rodents.
Psychologists say that a truly motivating human problem must include three elements: the competence, independence and family ties.
Hard work should be quite difficult for us to feel competent when it will finish. More, we must feel that we have some control over what we do. Plus, this work should give us a sense of that, doing it, we improve our relationships with loved ones.
2. The desire to bite cute veschiKazhdy time appears next to the child, someone will say to him (required cutesy voice) that he "sёst it", "bite his finger," or some other part of the body. Similar discussions also arise when a number of puppies or something else, just as sweet.
So where we have a desire to eat joke cute things? The scientists on this subject, there are two theories. The first is that the "wires" in the brain responsible for pleasure in moments of emotion "closes».
When people (especially women) see a newborn baby, they get a rush of dopamine, which occurs, for example, when a person ate a delicious meal. This overlap of meanings to each other makes us a subconscious desire to put a sweet thing in your mouth.
Another theory is that the bites - is a form of the game, which is observed in many mammals, and it is a manifestation of our animal side. Many animals bite each other slightly in jest fighting among themselves. It is unclear why they do it: to hone combat skills to improve motor coordination, or just for fun.
3. Inappropriate smehMnogie of us tend to laugh in a completely inappropriate moments - for example, when we see that someone has fallen and hurt himself, or when peredaёm someone bad news.
And although we know that there is nothing funny about my grandmother's death, we are struggling to contain the attacks of laughter at her funeral. Laughter in such situations does not fit in the social standards, but it happens quite often, and this is the cause.
When we laugh in a festive atmosphere, it does not mean that we are heartless and do not respect others. This is probably a sign that our body is under the influence of great emotional stress using laughter to relieve tension and discomfort.
A giggle that we publish, when someone falls or otherwise hurt myself, is an evolutionary feature that allows the tribe to know that even though a person may be confused and slightly hurt, for alarm no serious grounds.
In general, the laughter is seldom a reaction to something "legitimately funny." Neuroscientist Sophie Scott says that laughter is often used as a method of social associations, in order to let people know that we like, that we agree with them or that we are with them in a social group.
4. The charm psihopatamiMnogih people are attracted to terrible things, especially psychopaths. Dance TV show filled with crazy murderers, and for whatever reason they are interesting to us. What is our interest to the most abominable type of people?
There are three theories that allow to explain this obsession. The first is that the observation of psychopaths allows us time to leave our law-abiding life and imagine yourself in the place of someone who thinks only of himself and does not do anything from the fact that every day we do - for example, do not care about justice or about the feelings of others.
The second theory is that the psychopaths - a kind of predator, and when we hear about them, that brings us back to the basics of our existence, where there is always a hunter and prey. Stories about predators in human form allows us to touch our animal nature with no real threat to life.
A third theory is the fact that psychopaths attracted us for the same reason that we attract the roller coasters and horror. Sometimes we just want to be frightened, and stories about maniacs can fill this need. And all because of that fear causes a surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which among other things is also responsible for feelings of pleasure.
5. Visibility osvedomlёnnostiMnogie of us have probably been in a situation when someone casually asks: "Hey, have you heard about such and such?" We will automatically reply: "Yes." Although if we had time to think about the answer, we would realize that in fact did not even understand whom we are asked.
In addition, some people pretend awareness, though they know nothing about the subject. Scientists investigated the psychological crutch and found that most people use it to express their individuality and just because it's so convenient.
Many of us do not have a clear idea about what we actually know and what is not, and so, when we are asked, we can unconsciously falsify their own knowledge.
Another, perhaps more obvious reason why people pretend awareness, that they like to feel nerdy. But why? Scientists say that our society glorifies knowledge, and to be knowledgeable in a certain area - plus social status, especially if your parents were too nerdy.
6. PlachPlach seems quite commonplace, and no one in the head does not come to call it strange. But if you dwell on it in more detail, it is happening - salty water dripping from our eyes into some very emotional moments - looks a little bizarre.
How are your eyes, emotion and tears? Psychologists say that the crying - it is primarily a social signal, evolutionarily related to signals of danger.
Young animals may produce a certain distress to other animals know that they need help. There is speculation that cries arose as a way to show their human misery, not uttering at the same alarms that will make others wary.
From an evolutionary point of view, it may have been a smart move, because while other members of the tribe would need only look at crybaby to understand that he is not in trouble. Interestingly, the people - it is the only kind that emits an emotional tears. Most other animals, becoming adults, stopped making sounds, warning of the danger.
7. Twitching zasypaniiU when 70% of people in the moment of falling asleep observed involuntary twitching limbs. Unfortunately, scientists still do not know why there are these spasms, but they, of course, there are certain assumptions.
Some researchers believe that these jerks is nothing more than a random reactions that occur due to the fact that our nerves glitch, moving from a state of wakefulness to sleep.
This is because our bodies are no switches that you can press before going to bed. Instead, we are gradually moving from the state when our reticular activating system (the one that controls the basic physiological processes) running at full capacity, a state where starts Actinolateral system (that it causes drowsiness, and affects sleep cycles).
We can be in between these states, for example, when we really want to sleep, or can begin to struggle, firmly positioning itself in this or that state. It is because of this fight as scientists believe, and there are failures in our "ignition", leading to twitching.
8. SpletniObychno gossips say women, but men are to blame for this social misdemeanor, no less. At least one study says that men gossip throughout the day on 32% more often than women. What is the reason for this?
The fact that most people have an innate desire to immediately associate with others. This desire may well outweigh any moral obligations.
We want to form social ties with those who are close and gossip not only give us a reason to talk about something, but also create a sense of trust, which begins with a series of signals that chatterbox submits his companion.
The interviewer, in turn, shared the proposed secret and thus established contact. And yet the gossip gives us a sense of superiority, they can cheer us and make a recovery in boring situations.
9. Love to filmamKazhdy sad day happens to us all sorts of nonsense, we pursue the sorrows and failures, so it seems strange that some of us want to spend leisure time in even greater sadness. In spite of this, we regularly sit down to watch the melodrama.
This may seem paradoxical, but the reason is, that the contemplation of tragedies actually makes us feel happier. Watching the tragedy on the screen causes people to explore their own lives and look into them pros.
However, the researchers point out that this reaction is somewhat different from the reaction of a man who looks a tragic movie and think: "Damn, I have at least not so bad as that guy».
Such viewers are more selfish attitudes, they focus on themselves and not on others, and therefore do not feel happier after watching the film.
In addition, melodramas viewing or listening to sad stories makes feel compassion and encourages our brains emit a special hormone that increases our sense of caring. Scientists call oxytocin "the moral molecule" because it makes us more generous and compassionate.
10. Awkward molchanieNezavisimo matter we have to say or not, many of us feel a burning desire to fill every moment with talk of peace. Why the prolonged silence makes us feel so uncomfortable?
Like so much else in our behavior, it all comes down to the desire to perfectly fit into a social group. According to psychologists, when the conversation stops flow measured, we start to think that something went wrong.
We can start to think that we are not interested in, and what we say - is irrelevant, and it makes worrying about his position in the group. If the dialogue goes as expected, we feel the support of their social status.
However, not all cultures silence in the conversation is considered to be awkward. For example, in Japan long pause in the conversation can be a sign of respect, especially when considered in the conversation to some serious questions.
via listverse.com/2015/05/03/10-scientific-explanations-for-our-weird-behaviors/
1. Reluctance to change a roll of toilet paper the list of difficult things we have to do every day, replacing ended toilet roll will occupy the last place.

But for some reason many of us hard to perform this simple procedure. Why is that? According to psychologists, the reason is not in our laziness, and that the replacement of the roll does not offer us any compensation for the internal efforts.
Similar household chores, such as taking out the trash or washing dishes, almost as boring, and they also do not have a special motivation, but they are, at least, give us inner satisfaction, because after these works in the home will no longer stink and there zavedutsya not rodents.
Psychologists say that a truly motivating human problem must include three elements: the competence, independence and family ties.
Hard work should be quite difficult for us to feel competent when it will finish. More, we must feel that we have some control over what we do. Plus, this work should give us a sense of that, doing it, we improve our relationships with loved ones.
2. The desire to bite cute veschiKazhdy time appears next to the child, someone will say to him (required cutesy voice) that he "sёst it", "bite his finger," or some other part of the body. Similar discussions also arise when a number of puppies or something else, just as sweet.

So where we have a desire to eat joke cute things? The scientists on this subject, there are two theories. The first is that the "wires" in the brain responsible for pleasure in moments of emotion "closes».
When people (especially women) see a newborn baby, they get a rush of dopamine, which occurs, for example, when a person ate a delicious meal. This overlap of meanings to each other makes us a subconscious desire to put a sweet thing in your mouth.
Another theory is that the bites - is a form of the game, which is observed in many mammals, and it is a manifestation of our animal side. Many animals bite each other slightly in jest fighting among themselves. It is unclear why they do it: to hone combat skills to improve motor coordination, or just for fun.
3. Inappropriate smehMnogie of us tend to laugh in a completely inappropriate moments - for example, when we see that someone has fallen and hurt himself, or when peredaёm someone bad news.

And although we know that there is nothing funny about my grandmother's death, we are struggling to contain the attacks of laughter at her funeral. Laughter in such situations does not fit in the social standards, but it happens quite often, and this is the cause.
When we laugh in a festive atmosphere, it does not mean that we are heartless and do not respect others. This is probably a sign that our body is under the influence of great emotional stress using laughter to relieve tension and discomfort.
A giggle that we publish, when someone falls or otherwise hurt myself, is an evolutionary feature that allows the tribe to know that even though a person may be confused and slightly hurt, for alarm no serious grounds.

In general, the laughter is seldom a reaction to something "legitimately funny." Neuroscientist Sophie Scott says that laughter is often used as a method of social associations, in order to let people know that we like, that we agree with them or that we are with them in a social group.
4. The charm psihopatamiMnogih people are attracted to terrible things, especially psychopaths. Dance TV show filled with crazy murderers, and for whatever reason they are interesting to us. What is our interest to the most abominable type of people?

There are three theories that allow to explain this obsession. The first is that the observation of psychopaths allows us time to leave our law-abiding life and imagine yourself in the place of someone who thinks only of himself and does not do anything from the fact that every day we do - for example, do not care about justice or about the feelings of others.
The second theory is that the psychopaths - a kind of predator, and when we hear about them, that brings us back to the basics of our existence, where there is always a hunter and prey. Stories about predators in human form allows us to touch our animal nature with no real threat to life.
A third theory is the fact that psychopaths attracted us for the same reason that we attract the roller coasters and horror. Sometimes we just want to be frightened, and stories about maniacs can fill this need. And all because of that fear causes a surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which among other things is also responsible for feelings of pleasure.
5. Visibility osvedomlёnnostiMnogie of us have probably been in a situation when someone casually asks: "Hey, have you heard about such and such?" We will automatically reply: "Yes." Although if we had time to think about the answer, we would realize that in fact did not even understand whom we are asked.

In addition, some people pretend awareness, though they know nothing about the subject. Scientists investigated the psychological crutch and found that most people use it to express their individuality and just because it's so convenient.
Many of us do not have a clear idea about what we actually know and what is not, and so, when we are asked, we can unconsciously falsify their own knowledge.
Another, perhaps more obvious reason why people pretend awareness, that they like to feel nerdy. But why? Scientists say that our society glorifies knowledge, and to be knowledgeable in a certain area - plus social status, especially if your parents were too nerdy.
6. PlachPlach seems quite commonplace, and no one in the head does not come to call it strange. But if you dwell on it in more detail, it is happening - salty water dripping from our eyes into some very emotional moments - looks a little bizarre.

How are your eyes, emotion and tears? Psychologists say that the crying - it is primarily a social signal, evolutionarily related to signals of danger.
Young animals may produce a certain distress to other animals know that they need help. There is speculation that cries arose as a way to show their human misery, not uttering at the same alarms that will make others wary.
From an evolutionary point of view, it may have been a smart move, because while other members of the tribe would need only look at crybaby to understand that he is not in trouble. Interestingly, the people - it is the only kind that emits an emotional tears. Most other animals, becoming adults, stopped making sounds, warning of the danger.
7. Twitching zasypaniiU when 70% of people in the moment of falling asleep observed involuntary twitching limbs. Unfortunately, scientists still do not know why there are these spasms, but they, of course, there are certain assumptions.

Some researchers believe that these jerks is nothing more than a random reactions that occur due to the fact that our nerves glitch, moving from a state of wakefulness to sleep.
This is because our bodies are no switches that you can press before going to bed. Instead, we are gradually moving from the state when our reticular activating system (the one that controls the basic physiological processes) running at full capacity, a state where starts Actinolateral system (that it causes drowsiness, and affects sleep cycles).
We can be in between these states, for example, when we really want to sleep, or can begin to struggle, firmly positioning itself in this or that state. It is because of this fight as scientists believe, and there are failures in our "ignition", leading to twitching.
8. SpletniObychno gossips say women, but men are to blame for this social misdemeanor, no less. At least one study says that men gossip throughout the day on 32% more often than women. What is the reason for this?
The fact that most people have an innate desire to immediately associate with others. This desire may well outweigh any moral obligations.

We want to form social ties with those who are close and gossip not only give us a reason to talk about something, but also create a sense of trust, which begins with a series of signals that chatterbox submits his companion.
The interviewer, in turn, shared the proposed secret and thus established contact. And yet the gossip gives us a sense of superiority, they can cheer us and make a recovery in boring situations.
9. Love to filmamKazhdy sad day happens to us all sorts of nonsense, we pursue the sorrows and failures, so it seems strange that some of us want to spend leisure time in even greater sadness. In spite of this, we regularly sit down to watch the melodrama.

This may seem paradoxical, but the reason is, that the contemplation of tragedies actually makes us feel happier. Watching the tragedy on the screen causes people to explore their own lives and look into them pros.
However, the researchers point out that this reaction is somewhat different from the reaction of a man who looks a tragic movie and think: "Damn, I have at least not so bad as that guy».
Such viewers are more selfish attitudes, they focus on themselves and not on others, and therefore do not feel happier after watching the film.
In addition, melodramas viewing or listening to sad stories makes feel compassion and encourages our brains emit a special hormone that increases our sense of caring. Scientists call oxytocin "the moral molecule" because it makes us more generous and compassionate.
10. Awkward molchanieNezavisimo matter we have to say or not, many of us feel a burning desire to fill every moment with talk of peace. Why the prolonged silence makes us feel so uncomfortable?

Like so much else in our behavior, it all comes down to the desire to perfectly fit into a social group. According to psychologists, when the conversation stops flow measured, we start to think that something went wrong.
We can start to think that we are not interested in, and what we say - is irrelevant, and it makes worrying about his position in the group. If the dialogue goes as expected, we feel the support of their social status.
However, not all cultures silence in the conversation is considered to be awkward. For example, in Japan long pause in the conversation can be a sign of respect, especially when considered in the conversation to some serious questions.
via listverse.com/2015/05/03/10-scientific-explanations-for-our-weird-behaviors/