How to protect yourself with salt?

Salt restores lost strength, healing the defects in the astral body. Evil people do not tolerate it, not for nothing that our ancestors took the salt to the road as a talisman. In Russia, the table is always open salt shaker set to divert the negative energy and the evil eye. Our ancestors believed that if you throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder, it drives away bad luck. Therefore, going to an important meeting or the conclusion of the transaction, merchants have always made this ritual.
Salt is also a great healer - she heals from bad dreams and insomnia. If you were born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, dissolve three pinches of salt in the water, put it on the night at the head of the liquid in the legs on the floor. Those born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius or Capricorn, you just need to put at the head and feet (on the floor), two bowls of dry salt. And in the morning salt or salt water should be poured into the toilet. Do this procedure for three nights in a row, and your sleep will be strong and deep.
Shower with salt
Rub your body with sodium chloride, trying to cover all surfaces, except for the hair, but do not rub salt very much, do it gently so as not to feel discomfort. Then stand in the shower and rinse off the salt water. When you're standing under the shower, mentally refer to water with a request to you to wash off all the bad things.
Water and salt will cleanse your body and your soul. Very good to take a shower with salt after a hard day or when you feel the inner tension, after a quarrel, and to communicate with you unpleasant person.
Bags of salt to purify the house
To protect and cleanse the house of negative energy you can sew bags from natural monochromatic white cloth, fill them with salt and hang in the corners of the apartment. This is especially true if you often come to the house of strangers, or between households happen scandals and quarrels. After a while, when the salt will absorb the limit for her negative information bags darken, and must be replaced with new ones.
Balayage negative with salt. Before cleaning the house, to the space cleared not only physically, but also energy, you can put a pinch of salt in each corner of the apartment, to give her a little lie down there, and then sweep along with other debris from the salt flats.