Five crazy facts that can be explained only by moving in time
People have always dreamed about time travel. The life of a person, alas, short-lived - as compared to the total duration of the existence of mankind. Past and future are impermeable to us until vremeni.Stop invented machine. Or ... She has invented? And we - not to say! And these mysterious inventors moved back and forth in time as the motorway, occasionally leaving something here and there, evidence and traces ... The tale, do you think? But how then to explain the mysterious discovery on our list?
Website presents you a selection of puzzles, which have no scientific explanation - solid mystic!
The Riddle of Swiss watches h2> In 2008, archaeologists discovered a 400-year-old Chinese tomb of the Ming Dynasty and found it ... Dial ring with front
Mobile phone in the film Charlie Chaplin h2> A careful viewing of the film Charlie Chaplin's "The Circus" can be seen a woman who enters the frame, holding a small device at his ear
hipster-time traveler h2> In the photo, dated 1941 year, captured the opening of the Golden Bridge in Canada. And then, too, spotted a time traveler. From the rest of the inhabitants, which you can see in the picture, it features sweatshirt, T-shirt, sunglasses - all does not correspond to the style of clothing worn at the time
Rudolf Fentts h2> In 1876, Rudolf Fentts missing. A 1950 account of the police at the intersection near Times Square in New York attracted the man in the middle of the intersection. A police officer approached him to offer help, but at this point the traffic signal changed and the movement at a crossroads resumed. Frightened, the man went to the sidewalk in the direction of the approaching car and in the confusion was struck and killed by a taxi to passing.
Photo of a man in an old book h2> Considering the pictures in an old book, one couple drew attention to the young man, sealed in 1917 in an unusual dress of the time, without a hat, and with disheveled hair. How he got there, this mod? ..
Website presents you a selection of puzzles, which have no scientific explanation - solid mystic!