15 cool things from Japan, which requires the whole world
Typically, these towels are served when you fly first class. In Japan, you'll always feel like first class passengers.

Automatic, which poured beer
I am finally in Japan and this is the biggest development pic.twitter.com/lIMMUl73Bd
- Scott Bryan (scottygb) October 25, 2015
in convenience stores, 7-Eleven sold a shirt and underwear
For those who are ashamed to return home after partying in an indecent form
machine with hot and cold drinks
In Japan, more than 5 million of these machines.
Some machines even have a defibrillator and first aid kit
Easy rack suitable for any bicycle parking
transportation card can pay at McDonald's
They can even pay in shops and restaurants.
McDonald delivers their meals home and offices
However, not available in all cities.
on Japanese television is a lot of cooking shows
Cook preparing their masterpieces, and the guests in the studio and just spectators commented his work and meal.
Queues to trains and ATMs framed in such a way
This is done to avoid the crush.
You can even change the location for your convenience, the seat backs in trains
Only need to take into account the desire of more and people sitting behind you.
cells for storage of all shapes and sizes at each station
You can rent a cell for about 500 yen ($ 4) per day.
However, the body of the cell you are not allowed to leave
Those are the rules. No explosives, weapons, animals, and other things silnopahnuschih.
Many toilets will surprise you
"The white one" may even greet you, but you get used to it quickly. There is a button with which the toilet seat will lower itself.
Many toilets can even include special sound effects (the sound of water, for example), which drown out all processes stay on the toilet
A more hygienic toilet with shower and hair dryer. Even the public toilets are equipped with them.
train with a library and a dry swimming pool for children
It is called Aso Boy this train and ride it in Kumamoto Prefecture.
via fishki.net/1741655-18-vewej-kotorye-est-u-japonii-i-v-kotoryh-nuzhdaetsja-ves-mir.html