The student asked the Master - What is the meaning of the Way?
The student asked the Master - What is the meaning of the Way?
Master said - Path is the meaning of the Way.
When you walk the spiritual path, the path itself and becomes meaningful.
The student asked - When the path ends?
The master said: - When the river ends its course, it flows into the ocean and becomes one.
Similarly, the individual self, completing their own individual path becomes the ocean.
Is there a difference between the waves and the ocean?
Wave considers itself separate from the ocean, but it is also the Ocean.
When the wave dissolves in the ocean, there is only what has always been a worry, but her office disappears.
Similarly, at the end of the Way is lost office, but you just is what it was when he walked on the Path.
Is Way Out? - You ask
The ocean has always been the ocean and then when the waves on the surface considered herself separated from him, she still has them, and when the wave disappeared in the Ocean and disappeared, and ended her way, she is also the Ocean.
Path wave began at the time of her birth, and ended at the time of death - the merger wave and the ocean, but it is only an illusion, as it has always been ocean waves just connect to your self.
Ending Way of separation begins the Path of Oneness.
The only thing that is looking for a man - this is love.
Magic Palace, the creation of which lasted 25 years