People say, "I love you" in different ways
often manifestations of love and care so imperceptible that we have of them do not even suspect.
We are in the Website are sure that parents do it like no one else.
- That's what you'll be giving me lessons of love?
Anthony stared at her and moved his chair closer:
- Do you remember what she did almost every night, when I was little? I mean, before you sleep prevailed.
- I read under the covers by flashlight.
- Why do not you light the overhead light in the room?
- So you thought I was asleep, while I secretly swallowed books ...
- And you never wondered what kind of magic you have a flashlight?
- No ... but why should I?
- Does your flashlight lights went at least once in all those years?
- No, - said Julia puzzled.
- But you never had to change the batteries in it ...
via adme.ru
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