As the family has to live on "Domostroy" - a collection of tips and lessons of the 16th century
In the minds of the layman "Domostroy" is associated with the dark middle ages, violence and family violence. The site publishes a fascinating article debunks the belief is widespread.
A role in forming this opinion played propaganda, including the Soviet. Its aim is to create an image of the kingdom of darkness, ignorance and tyranny, which was an old Russian. In support of these templates opponents patriarchal family quotes about calls for the application in respect of their households forces that are present in this monument of Russian literature of the XVI century. No wonder people who want to describe the life of ne'er-do family, where wife and children are in constant fear of the beatings his father-bully, using word-horror story "Domostroy».
Mention of assault and battery in this book is, but they are, in the words of the historian Dmitry Volodikhin only particular on marginal fields. In fact, the «Domostroy" was truly revolutionary for its time, product, urge readers to love, common sense and care for his family in the harsh realities of the ancient Russian state. Consider the basic teachings of "patriarchal despotism", which is credited with authorship of the archpriest Sylvester.
Teach father! h2> Perhaps the main message that runs through the entire book, can be formulated as follows: the head of the family is obliged to educate their households doing business, the economy and the basics of spiritual life.
the commandments! h2> The basis of a prosperous life for all family members "Domostroy" - keeping the commandments. In this part of the author only paraphrases the basic instructions for every Christian scriptures: "Himself to you, sir, and my wife and children, and households - do not steal, do not fornicate, do not lie, do not slander, do not be jealous, not offend, do not tell tales on someone else not to encroach, not to judge, not revel, do not make fun of, do not remember evil, anyone not to be angry, for the elderly to be obedient and submissive to the average - friendly, to the younger and the poor - friendly and gracious, all the work rule without red tape, especially not to offend the pay the employee all the same offense with gratitude to suffer for the sake of God and reproach, and reproach, if rightly revile and reproach, with love and receive such desperation to avoid, and in response, not revenge. If, however, in no way responsible for this award was given by God ».
Mines dowry h2> Throughout the narrative the reader "patriarchal despotism" faced with appeals to the head of the family constantly concerned about the welfare of their loved ones, careful housekeeping and life. In other words, the father is obliged to provide full material support, and if he has a daughter, then a very young age need to start to accumulate a dowry for the bride: « Reasonable people from all earnings daughter lay: in its name or zhivotinku grow offspring, or paintings, and from the canvas and from pieces of cloth, and from ubrus and of shirts over the years in her special box put the dress and the dresses and necklaces, and Church plates and utensils tin and copper, and wood; always add a little bit of everything, but not all of a sudden, currently at a loss ».
Take care of the honor of his youth h2> «Domostroy" urges fathers to preserve the reputation of his family and to see to it that her children are not spoiled. Neither the head of the family, nor his household in this context is not allowed to drink, fornicate, "sramoslovit" vilified bosses gossip. If at least one member of the family will become the glory of a bad man, the dark spot will be on the whole race, and future generations.
Taboo on reckless aggression h2> Surely, you ask, in the "Domostroi" so nothing is said about corporal punishment. It is said, but the use of force in this book is severely limited, and describes as an inevitable necessity in extreme cases. At the same time the punishment itself should take place without rancor, with a sincere desire to benefit and instruct a household, which then need to be sure to regret.
A role in forming this opinion played propaganda, including the Soviet. Its aim is to create an image of the kingdom of darkness, ignorance and tyranny, which was an old Russian. In support of these templates opponents patriarchal family quotes about calls for the application in respect of their households forces that are present in this monument of Russian literature of the XVI century. No wonder people who want to describe the life of ne'er-do family, where wife and children are in constant fear of the beatings his father-bully, using word-horror story "Domostroy».
Mention of assault and battery in this book is, but they are, in the words of the historian Dmitry Volodikhin only particular on marginal fields. In fact, the «Domostroy" was truly revolutionary for its time, product, urge readers to love, common sense and care for his family in the harsh realities of the ancient Russian state. Consider the basic teachings of "patriarchal despotism", which is credited with authorship of the archpriest Sylvester.