ALL ABOUT hair oil
When you need to instantly bring the hair in order to energize, to cope with the problem of split ends, better means than cosmetic oil for hair, you will not find. Read on and you will know what is capable of oil.
It is no secret that the oil has been a real boon for lovers of luxurious hair. On the shelves of perfumeries you can find dozens of bubbles with golden liquid. Actually, as the skin, your hair is in need of daily care and moisturizing. The oil composition for hair nutrients and contain strong reducing components - vitamins A and E, omega acid, oleic acid and linolenic acid. These components are necessary for your body and hair.
How does oil?
The main objective is to protect the oil. The oil coats the hair and prevents the evaporation of moisture. When blow-drying or the use of curling irons, you must use oil. It protects the hair, prevents the destruction of the protein.
Application methods
Do not overdo it with the amount of oil! Just a few drops of the elixir will be enough. Pumps oil is not the entire length, and 5 cm depart from the roots. Stick to action, otherwise you risk to get the effect of dirty hair.
- For thermal protection apply oil to damp hair after shampooing. To moisturize and add shine, apply oil after installation.
- If you're going on vacation, put a bottle of oil in the makeup. This ensures the protection of the color and texture of your hair from the negative effects of the sun and salt water. Do not forget to nourish hair oil after going to the pool. You sure know how to spoil the chlorinated water and dries hair.
- Hair stylists advise to add a few drops of oil in the paint, shampoo and hair conditioner. It enhances the action of funds, makes hair silky and shiny.
- Can not cope with unruly, dry hair? Before going to bed distributed throughout the length of the hair a few drops of oil. Do this for two weeks. The result will not leave you indifferent.
Tip: To act quickly oil, warm it slightly in a water bath, or wrap a hot towel head. But in any case, do not boil the oil, otherwise all the nutrients are destroyed.
What kind of oil do you need?
Burdock oil - prevents hair loss, accelerates their growth. Eliminates dryness and itching of the scalp.
Almond oil - is struggling with the problem of oily hair. Regulates the production of sebum.
Castor oil - treatment and prevention of dandruff. Returns hair softness and shine.
Argan oil - recovery and a great glow to dull, damaged hair.
Olive oil - for strengthening hair. Perfectly smoothes and fills the hair shine.
Jojoba oil - the restoration of dry hair. A strong fighter with the problem of split ends. Strengthens and heals colored, weak hair.
Coconut oil - moisturizes and nourishes the hair, gives shine and fill volume.
Oil of lemon - perfect for a soft and silky.