9 of the rules for moms of boys

This is what I call confidence.
We grow and grow without a dad. In other words, I'm a single mother. And from the beginning I knew: I would have to be some especially mothers, to smash to smithereens ridiculous stereotype that single-parent families = dysfunctional ...
I worked on the confidence of his son from the very birth. And I continue. Because I know it is lost in a moment, but earned over the years.
During these almost 14 years of motherhood formulated for themselves the basic laws of this trust:
1. Never laugh at her son.
For a man, a woman is always a mockery injury mockery mother - this is a very deep trauma. Whether you laugh over the fact that he accidentally put his pants on the left side, over the fact that the curve of the dog painted, or on the fact that the girl confessed his love for the neighboring desk. Your smile will be remembered for a lifetime!
And it will never be forgiven.
2. Always answer all his questions. H3> At any age! And no "because Gladiolus" or "grow up - you learn." Always - all. Do not know the answer - say so. Then ask - and answer. Confused? Question the child made you blush? Excellent - you can now analyze a complex one. After all, it is your complex. Do not embed it in the psyche of the child. Answer the question you put to a standstill and you need to collect my thoughts. Ask for a response delay. Children usually give it easily.
3. Ask the son of the Board deciding. H3> You can not imagine how easily a child can sometimes solve your "adult" problem, over which you fought more than a year! Any! From "what should be our future apartment" to "why I always quarrel with someone" and "I do not." So the boy learns to be a man, and support decisions. And you show him your trust and respect.
4. Forget the words "I told you so!». H3> Even if you say, but he did not listen - plug this song! Forever. You can not compete with the child what else but "I told you" - this is a competition in which the mother is happy "victory" ... you were right? Rejoice in silence! He will understand.
5. Praise. H3> Admire without any but "only here to correct." Just - "cool!". Your baby is doing great! When he grows up - he will see that it was necessary "to correct».
6. Keep any of his dream. H3> «I want to be underwater archeology" - cool! Buy books on the topic. Now, "I want to be an artist." Too cool! Buy books on the topic. And then, "I want to be an engineer" ... scheme realized? Cool! Believe me, it is really only determined by the age of 20.
7. If the baby is crying ... h3> This means, disaster struck. Insignificant to you (in the garden gave an awful rice porridge instead of your favorite buckwheat), but huge for him! For him any trouble - a giant. Because the world of the child is still too small to Porridge lost his scale ... And if there was a problem - you have to appease! No matter how many years the child was. You are obliged to appease! This dogma, the law of your future with him understanding: the child should not cry inconsolably. Never.
8. Do not lecture him. H3> I hope comments are not necessary here.
9. You are always on his side. H3> Not only in words. But in fact. You never assents to teachers who complain about it, never yells at him "for the company" with other family members. In public - he is always right. YOUR SON IS ALWAYS RIGHT!
And then he can not be afraid to ask you about the unseen. Because it will know that you're not going to yell at him: "What's that for ?! questions" or "Shame on you!» < Because it will trust you. In other words, it will be in you Sure. The dream of every mother. It can be achieved.
Author: Alina Belkovsky
Preview: Maciej Wronski
via 500px.com/photo/6336009/mother-s-love-by-maciej-wronski?from=user
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