Library Clementinum - Kingdom of Books in Prague ...

Library Clementinum - Kingdom of Books in Prague ...
The Czech capital has a unique library of Klementinum, located in a former Jesuit college. Since 2005, the complex Baroque buildings included in the UNESCO list, which is called "Memory of the World».
The library was opened in the distant 1722, the year. In addition, it is kept for more than twenty thousand unique books that deserve special attention the exterior and interior of the library Klementinum. It is still possible to find the Jesuit books, dated XVI-th century. Although the official status of the most luxurious and beautiful library in the world does not exist, it is considered that of the Clementinum library. The ceiling frescoes adorn with images of saints Jesuits, as well as the vision of artist Jan Hibla on science and the arts. Most of the library's collection is devoted to theology.