25 Hollywood stars and are usually Parents
For each person there is no one nearer and dearer to parents. As the common man as well as a Hollywood star, we should appreciate and love those who gave them this life. Many now popular star blue screens, became famous because of parting and support of their parents, and some have gained prominence only because the parents gave their child acting classes. We present our collection of celebrity photos of children and their parents.
Beautiful Angelina Jolie and her mother Marcheline Bertrand, who, unfortunately, died of cancer
http://ax-d.pixfuture.net/w/1.0/afr?auid=538125168&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE video> Scarlett Johansson's mother, Melanie Sloan with
Charlize Theron with her mother Gerda
George Clooney and his father Nick
George Clooney with his mother Nina
Jared Leto and his mother Constance
Bradley Cooper and his mother Gloria
Gwyneth Paltrow with her mother Blythe Danner
Jake Gyllenhaal and his father Steven
Jennifer and her father John Aniston
Jessica Alba with her mother Catherine
Drew Barrymore and her mother Jade
Zoe Saldana and her mother Azalea Nazario
Mom Ben Affleck
Ryan Reynolds with her mom Tammy
Matt Damon and Nancy Carlsson Paige
Javier Bardem and Pilar Bardem
Brad Pitt and Jane Pitt
David Beckham and Sandra Beckham
Ryan Seacrest and Connie Tsullinger
Tom Cruise and Mary Lee Pfeiffer
Channing Tatum and Kay Tatum
Matthew McConaughey and Mary Kathleen McCabe
Pamela Anderson with her mother
Joaquin Phoenix and Phoenix Arlene
Beautiful Angelina Jolie and her mother Marcheline Bertrand, who, unfortunately, died of cancer
http://ax-d.pixfuture.net/w/1.0/afr?auid=538125168&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE video> Scarlett Johansson's mother, Melanie Sloan with
Charlize Theron with her mother Gerda
George Clooney and his father Nick
George Clooney with his mother Nina
Jared Leto and his mother Constance
Bradley Cooper and his mother Gloria
Gwyneth Paltrow with her mother Blythe Danner
Jake Gyllenhaal and his father Steven
Jennifer and her father John Aniston
Jessica Alba with her mother Catherine
Drew Barrymore and her mother Jade
Zoe Saldana and her mother Azalea Nazario
Mom Ben Affleck
Ryan Reynolds with her mom Tammy
Matt Damon and Nancy Carlsson Paige
Javier Bardem and Pilar Bardem
Brad Pitt and Jane Pitt
David Beckham and Sandra Beckham
Ryan Seacrest and Connie Tsullinger
Tom Cruise and Mary Lee Pfeiffer
Channing Tatum and Kay Tatum
Matthew McConaughey and Mary Kathleen McCabe
Pamela Anderson with her mother
Joaquin Phoenix and Phoenix Arlene
She was expecting a child, but what is shown ultrasound to force her to faint!
Peerless 25 photos, in which there is only Kindness