Guess what on the narrowest street in the world, installed a traffic light?
The Czech capital has a unique street that is so narrow, that is equipped with special svetoforami.Vy ask, why? It's simple. For two pedestrians could to miss her, so she's really narrow.
Amazing streets of Prague tavern called the Devil, and its average width is only 50 centimeters. Of course, this can be attributed solely to the efforts of the Czechs to turn the city into a real tourist mecca. After all, in fact, it is not a street, and a passage between the houses, the length of a few tens of meters. How to remember the workers the nearest restaurant "Devil" really stuck here once a fat German tourists who had long disembarrass from captivity street tavern Devil.
via re-actor.net/travel/11590-narrowest-street.html

Amazing streets of Prague tavern called the Devil, and its average width is only 50 centimeters. Of course, this can be attributed solely to the efforts of the Czechs to turn the city into a real tourist mecca. After all, in fact, it is not a street, and a passage between the houses, the length of a few tens of meters. How to remember the workers the nearest restaurant "Devil" really stuck here once a fat German tourists who had long disembarrass from captivity street tavern Devil.

via re-actor.net/travel/11590-narrowest-street.html
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