Do not rush to throw away clothing with stubborn grease spots. They can be very easy to clean!
All the hostess know that to remove fatty or oil stains with the clothes is very difficult. Unfortunately, household chemicals out of the store does not always cope with the problem, especially if the stain has already managed vestsya. But we found a brilliant way of getting rid of the stains that do not want to give up without a fight and decided to share them with you!
Just a few simple steps - and annoying stain will disappear in the blink of an eye. You need just 3 components!
How to remove oil stain from tkani
You will need dishwashing detergent penetrating multipurpose lubricant WD-40 baking soda toothbrush a piece of cardboard swabs
Application enclose cardboard under soiled fabric so as not to soil unsullied side. Spray the stain lubricant WD-40 and rub it into the fabric with a cotton swab.
Then the embankment on top of a large amount of soda.
Use a toothbrush to rub baking soda into the stain.
We perform the procedure until until lumps are formed, as in the photo.
Now it's time to add some dishwashing detergent. Pour on top of the baking soda and continue cleaning.
When everything is done, get a T-shirt cardboard and wash in a washing machine along with other clothes, as usual.
After washing your shirt will look like new!
Share this useful advice to their friends. Such life hacking exactly useful to them!
via takprosto.cc
Just a few simple steps - and annoying stain will disappear in the blink of an eye. You need just 3 components!
How to remove oil stain from tkani

You will need dishwashing detergent penetrating multipurpose lubricant WD-40 baking soda toothbrush a piece of cardboard swabs

Application enclose cardboard under soiled fabric so as not to soil unsullied side. Spray the stain lubricant WD-40 and rub it into the fabric with a cotton swab.

Then the embankment on top of a large amount of soda.

Use a toothbrush to rub baking soda into the stain.

We perform the procedure until until lumps are formed, as in the photo.

Now it's time to add some dishwashing detergent. Pour on top of the baking soda and continue cleaning.

When everything is done, get a T-shirt cardboard and wash in a washing machine along with other clothes, as usual.

After washing your shirt will look like new!

Share this useful advice to their friends. Such life hacking exactly useful to them!
via takprosto.cc
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