GLYCERIN plus vitamin E = YOUR youth and beauty

GLYCERIN plus vitamin E = YOUR youth and beauty
It has the following properties:
Accelerates regeneration.
Slows aging.
It stimulates the production of estrogen.
It supports normal water-lipid balance.
Relieves swelling.
Treats acne.
Eliminates freckles, blemishes, stretch marks, small scars.
It promotes the absorption of vitamin A.
Vitamin E can be taken orally. It is sold in capsule form at any pharmacy. The daily dose is 15 mg. Glycerin and Vitamin E for face can be rubbed into the skin. For this purpose the two liquids are mixed in equal proportions and applied before bedtime. The composition is absorbed quickly enough, but the result is not long to wait. Fine wrinkles disappear and the skin becomes very smooth, smooth and velvety.
Glycerine for the skin: the use and application features
Liquid Glycerin is another invaluable feature - it retains moisture. Sale said means in any drugstore. Glycerin was added in creams, masks and other cosmetic products. It creates a skin moisturizing film for which the skin can be tacky at first. Do not worry about this, since the film will quickly disappear.
For oily skin may be applied in pure glycerol - as a lotion. With regular use of the substance is improved regeneration of cells, all of inflammation are much faster. In addition, the skin is well moisturized.
It should be noted that the mask for the face with glycerin is very useful for all skin types. As a universal means we can advise the following composition: glycerin and honey in equal parts. The mask will be a very liquid. In order to make it thicker, the oat flour is added. If you have dry skin, add a few drops of essential oil. In addition, for oily skin is recommended to use a mask of glycerol, oat flour and cucumber juice. Sensitive skin needs special care. For it is possible to provide a mask of glycerol and egg yolk with oil, citrus.
Glycerin and Vitamin E: for face and hand are no better means!
Said substance is used in creams intended not only for the person, but also to hand. This part of our body is constantly exposed to the environment, water and household chemicals. In order to relieve irritation, in addition to creams, you can use a variety of masks. If you do not have time or inclination to cook them, you can add a few drops of glycerin and vitamin E in your usual cream. Grease hands with them during the day, and very soon you will notice that the skin was soft and gentle.