12 facts about digestion by a gastroenterologist, and valuable tips
"Belly" is not for nothing was synonymous with the word "life" of our ancestors many important health processes are taking place in the stomach! < Website publishes a compilation of the recommendations of the doctor-gastroenterologist and Chronobiology Semen Rapoport.
1. How do you know that you have stomach problems? Nothing. Go for preventive inspection and give yourself to explore art. You state the handle, alas, will not lead - he is known to have other priorities now.
2. Healthy eating - protection from disease? Most - still help in the long process of recovery.
3. Healthy people for the night is better not to have: «Everything that people eat after 20 hours, leaving the body" (t. E. Added weight).
How many meals should be? Healthy person quite 3-4 times a day.
4 . Harmful Do not eat breakfast in the morning? Rapoport recalls that people are divided in their chronotype: there are "owls", "larks" and "doves" (the mixed type). "Owl", which stands at 11 days, no need to torture yourself - you do not want, do not eat, it is then everything gets. Yes, at 10 pm :) But this is your style, the doctor says. Do not break yourself!
5. It is necessary to adjust the whole life under his chronotype, says doctor - in fact the same "owl" will still cope with stress - both physical and emotional - is worse than a "bird." And do not try to adjust to the other chronotype - still will not work!
6. The people who work the night shift and dramatically change the rhythm of life, malignant tumors appear 3 times more likely than normal people! Please do not play with the biorhythms - they do not overpower!
7. Science confirms the "seasonality" of certain diseases. In autumn and spring - the transitional period - the possibility of weakening the body's adaptation to the phenomena of the external environment and exacerbated disease - for example, the same ulcer.
8. As a doctor refers to vegetarianism? «A matter of taste" - eating in vegetarian food a person receives all necessary. Yes, harder to digest vegetable protein than animal - but then the meat is meat strife, is not it? The only thing - to vegetarianism is not necessary to teach children, because the child's food should be varied, and animal protein gives a lot if you want to get healthy and high growth heir.
9. Ideal Rapoport meat - beef. It is a "full set" - including iron to create hemoglobin.
10. From fashionable now "Detox" is to stay away. The body is working properly - so it cleaned? And why refuse to eat if it has the nutrients? "Clean" is possible and necessary only if the person something poisoned.
11. Well, diet? Well, diet diet strife. In the USSR, Professor Pevzner developed a dietary 15 tables, so to speak, "on various occasions" (for various diseases). They are relevant to this day.
To lose weight, you should remove from your diet all the "extra" calories - sweets, bread, soups and so on. N. Rapoport quotes famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, "It is necessary to eat less." Of course, important, and physical activity.
12. Is it true that the figure depends on the "constitution" of human metabolism? Yes. It is also true that you can speed up the metabolism - unless, of course, a lot of physical labor. Then, too, the metabolism is not going anywhere - more calories, therefore, is faster.
via polezner.ru/kak-podruzhit-sya-so-svoim-zheludkom-15-tsenny-h-sovetov-ot-gastroe-nterologa/

1. How do you know that you have stomach problems? Nothing. Go for preventive inspection and give yourself to explore art. You state the handle, alas, will not lead - he is known to have other priorities now.
2. Healthy eating - protection from disease? Most - still help in the long process of recovery.
3. Healthy people for the night is better not to have: «Everything that people eat after 20 hours, leaving the body" (t. E. Added weight).
How many meals should be? Healthy person quite 3-4 times a day.
4 . Harmful Do not eat breakfast in the morning? Rapoport recalls that people are divided in their chronotype: there are "owls", "larks" and "doves" (the mixed type). "Owl", which stands at 11 days, no need to torture yourself - you do not want, do not eat, it is then everything gets. Yes, at 10 pm :) But this is your style, the doctor says. Do not break yourself!
5. It is necessary to adjust the whole life under his chronotype, says doctor - in fact the same "owl" will still cope with stress - both physical and emotional - is worse than a "bird." And do not try to adjust to the other chronotype - still will not work!
6. The people who work the night shift and dramatically change the rhythm of life, malignant tumors appear 3 times more likely than normal people! Please do not play with the biorhythms - they do not overpower!
7. Science confirms the "seasonality" of certain diseases. In autumn and spring - the transitional period - the possibility of weakening the body's adaptation to the phenomena of the external environment and exacerbated disease - for example, the same ulcer.
8. As a doctor refers to vegetarianism? «A matter of taste" - eating in vegetarian food a person receives all necessary. Yes, harder to digest vegetable protein than animal - but then the meat is meat strife, is not it? The only thing - to vegetarianism is not necessary to teach children, because the child's food should be varied, and animal protein gives a lot if you want to get healthy and high growth heir.
9. Ideal Rapoport meat - beef. It is a "full set" - including iron to create hemoglobin.
10. From fashionable now "Detox" is to stay away. The body is working properly - so it cleaned? And why refuse to eat if it has the nutrients? "Clean" is possible and necessary only if the person something poisoned.
11. Well, diet? Well, diet diet strife. In the USSR, Professor Pevzner developed a dietary 15 tables, so to speak, "on various occasions" (for various diseases). They are relevant to this day.
To lose weight, you should remove from your diet all the "extra" calories - sweets, bread, soups and so on. N. Rapoport quotes famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, "It is necessary to eat less." Of course, important, and physical activity.
12. Is it true that the figure depends on the "constitution" of human metabolism? Yes. It is also true that you can speed up the metabolism - unless, of course, a lot of physical labor. Then, too, the metabolism is not going anywhere - more calories, therefore, is faster.
via polezner.ru/kak-podruzhit-sya-so-svoim-zheludkom-15-tsenny-h-sovetov-ot-gastroe-nterologa/
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