Stop global warming! (Okay, okay, but first stop doing stupid commercials on global warming)
EuroRSCG Helsinki shows homeless people in public service animals WWF against global warming.
"You can help. Stop global warming. Animals around the world are losing their places of habitat due to climate change. Turn off your TV, computer, music system - we can help animals. Do it now! »
Advertising Agency: EuroRSCG, Helsinki, Finland
Creative Director: Marcelo Coutinho
Art Director: Luiz Risi
Copywriter: Leena Yliportimo
via www.eurorscg.fi/
"You can help. Stop global warming. Animals around the world are losing their places of habitat due to climate change. Turn off your TV, computer, music system - we can help animals. Do it now! »

Advertising Agency: EuroRSCG, Helsinki, Finland
Creative Director: Marcelo Coutinho
Art Director: Luiz Risi
Copywriter: Leena Yliportimo
via www.eurorscg.fi/
Hondamentalism: New Honda campaign by W + K London on pomeshannost to perfection and racing
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