AKQA forced microwaves to play Jingle Bells

British agency AKQA, specializing in interactive marketing, introduced the video, which played popular Christmas tune Jingle Bells using microwave signals pechey.Spetsialisty AKQA noted that each microwave shutdown publishes its own special sound. By programming dozens of microwaves so that they have completed work on the line, they recorded the resulting sounds and get the melody.

According to the Campaign, plan a short infomercial take weeks and shooting - the whole day.

The American company AKQA, specializing in interactive marketing, introduced the video, which played popular Christmas tune Jingle Bells signals via microwaves.

AKQA is known for its advertising campaigns developed for Coca-Cola, Fiat, McDonald's, Microsoft, Nike, Visa and other major clients. In particular, this company belongs to a series of advertisements Nike Football.

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