The best advertising in Latin America. Prints
Brazil was the fortieth anniversary of the Latin American Advertising Festival of FIAP, organized in 1969 by the pioneer of Argentine Television Alberto Gollán.V it is traditionally attended by the countries of South America and Europe, who speak Spanish and Portuguese, as well as US agencies working in the Hispanic market Florida, California and Texas.
Along with the Cannes Lions FIAP is the most significant event of the advertising market in the region. This year has been received about 8500 applications.
For the right to be the country with the best creativity traditionally fighting two countries - Brazil and Argentina, in the FIAP postavlyayushie the largest number of jobs in all categories. And this year, Argentina prevailed. The list of winners FIAP she took first place, Brazil second and Spain third. Overall, awards went to the representatives of 18 countries.
Among the agencies it was not equal to the Brazilian AlmapBBDO, led by the guru of world advertising Marcelo Serpa. In second place - Argentine Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, the Spanish branch of Euro RSCG took the third position.
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Along with the Cannes Lions FIAP is the most significant event of the advertising market in the region. This year has been received about 8500 applications.
For the right to be the country with the best creativity traditionally fighting two countries - Brazil and Argentina, in the FIAP postavlyayushie the largest number of jobs in all categories. And this year, Argentina prevailed. The list of winners FIAP she took first place, Brazil second and Spain third. Overall, awards went to the representatives of 18 countries.
Among the agencies it was not equal to the Brazilian AlmapBBDO, led by the guru of world advertising Marcelo Serpa. In second place - Argentine Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, the Spanish branch of Euro RSCG took the third position.




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As the Chinese are making money on other people's brands
Based on Youtube made the world's first interactive advertising in the first person