Secret logo FedEx
FedEx World-large variety of cargo carrier. Many saw the logo FedEx Express, nothing, at first glance, it is not particularly eye-catching. Plain, simple logo. Far from it.
Many saw the logo FedEx express, nothing special at first glance no different.
But only up to a point, and for those who did not pay him enough attention.
One day, quite unexpectedly, I saw the logo of the arrow, camouflaged between the letters E, and x. The discovery, which I made for myself, made me shudder: "High-speed carrier FedEx, arrow-pointer. Speed. From A to B, A - & gt; B. »
As it turned out later, few people know about this fact. That arrow just did not notice. But it is still there!
And the story it is:
The logo was created in 1994 by Lyndon leader (Mr. Lindon Leader) at Landor Associates, San Francisco. It was listed on Rolling Stone magazine among the 8 best logos of the past 35 years, along with Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, IBM, Starbucks, McDonald's and Playboy.
The developers had a task to create a new face of the Federal Expeditionary company (FedEx), which was designed for about 200 different logos. Some played up arrows in one degree or another, but only considering it as a habitual means of graphic communication to transmit a combination of speed / accuracy.
Incidentally Mr. Lindon Leader drew attention to the fact that the placement of the horizontal x next to uppercase E arrow appears, and began to develop the idea further.
Through a combination of fonts Univers 67 (Bold Condensed) and Futura Bold, none of which did not fit in its original form, was obtained by the option that we can now estimate.
There is nothing new in the use of the arrow as the brand identity. The strength of the FedEx arrow that it is a kind of "hidden bonus»
Brand awareness and FedEx are enough, but the man once said that a directional arrow, never forget about it. This is the power of strategic marketing planning
Underline or highlight the arrow color just is not necessary: it would be instantly lost all its charm. Riddle with the accompanying otgadka always ceases to be exciting and memorable.
via adme.ru
Many saw the logo FedEx express, nothing special at first glance no different.
But only up to a point, and for those who did not pay him enough attention.
One day, quite unexpectedly, I saw the logo of the arrow, camouflaged between the letters E, and x. The discovery, which I made for myself, made me shudder: "High-speed carrier FedEx, arrow-pointer. Speed. From A to B, A - & gt; B. »
As it turned out later, few people know about this fact. That arrow just did not notice. But it is still there!
And the story it is:
The logo was created in 1994 by Lyndon leader (Mr. Lindon Leader) at Landor Associates, San Francisco. It was listed on Rolling Stone magazine among the 8 best logos of the past 35 years, along with Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, IBM, Starbucks, McDonald's and Playboy.
The developers had a task to create a new face of the Federal Expeditionary company (FedEx), which was designed for about 200 different logos. Some played up arrows in one degree or another, but only considering it as a habitual means of graphic communication to transmit a combination of speed / accuracy.
Incidentally Mr. Lindon Leader drew attention to the fact that the placement of the horizontal x next to uppercase E arrow appears, and began to develop the idea further.
Through a combination of fonts Univers 67 (Bold Condensed) and Futura Bold, none of which did not fit in its original form, was obtained by the option that we can now estimate.
There is nothing new in the use of the arrow as the brand identity. The strength of the FedEx arrow that it is a kind of "hidden bonus»
Brand awareness and FedEx are enough, but the man once said that a directional arrow, never forget about it. This is the power of strategic marketing planning
Underline or highlight the arrow color just is not necessary: it would be instantly lost all its charm. Riddle with the accompanying otgadka always ceases to be exciting and memorable.
via adme.ru