Happy birthday, Tom Hanks!

15 best performances of one of the most memorable actors sovremennosti.Tom Hanks - a living legend of Hollywood. Thinnest dramatic talent allowed him to realize a variety of complex psychological image. In Hank's film career there and light comedy roles, and serious dramatic work. He - the only modern actor who won two Oscars for the main male role in a row.
To the birthday of the talented actor Website has compiled a list of the best films with his participation.

Imagine: but there was a time when Tom Hanks few people knew and recognized. But it came out in 1988 on the screens of a good family film "Big" in the blink of an eye Hanks became the darling of the public. His facial expression - so sweet, so boyish, like a grown-up Tom Sawyer. His good nature and lack of understanding of the adult world, he wins and gets to watch his character with a smile of tenderness.

In this film, Hanks' talent has opened fully. Just look into his eyes and you will see all that worried about his character. There he addressed the dramatic history of the terminally ill, but not a desperate man. A man who believed in justice.
Forrest Gamp

Forrest Gump - a man with a crystal-clear children's soul, heart and eyes to all that surrounds it. Hanks played it so brilliantly that the character seems quite real, existing outside the film. After watching the films that simply can not hold back the tears.
Green milya

Even if you never liked Tom Hanks, "The Green Mile" just can not leave anyone indifferent. In this film he plays the head of a prison guard Paul Edgecombe, who witnessed real human kindness and love that so much talent to convey to the audience.
Catch Me If smozhesh

Hanks in the role of extraordinary detective Charles Henretti incredibly steep, especially when you consider that he had to play with no less talented Leonardo DiCaprio. And though Tom has not played a major role, and did not get any awards, this tape has become one of the highlights of his career.

Tom Hanks - Tom Hanks is. It's hard to imagine someone who could play better edakogo Robinson Crusoe - Chuck Nolan. The actor is fully able to convey the drama of the human condition in situations of complete isolation from the world. For his role in this film, Hanks was nominated for numerous awards and received a Golden Globe.
Saving Private Rayana

"Saving Private Ryan" - one of the best war movies in the history of world cinema. Tom Hanks, who played for the first time from Steven Spielberg, has once again proved that he is able to play well in any movie. He brilliantly played the role of Captain Miller, perfectly fit into intense action game story picture.

The film tells the story of Viktor Navorski, traveled to New York from Eastern Europe. While Victor was flying in an airplane in his homeland was a coup. Hanks get down to the basic techniques of image foreigner taken in Hollywood films. He turned very real psychologically detailed portrait of the man with the former Soviet Union, where people have learned to think a few other categories than in the West. Everywhere he was sincere, simple, natural and really looked really a stranger in all this little world stirring.
Cloud atlas

The specifics of this film required a lot of effort from the actors. Play different characters with different characters, sometimes different sexes - is amazing. Charismatic, vivid images created by Tom Hanks. Its share fell the most spread characters.
Games dzhentlmenov

Tom Hanks in the role of villain quite charming and memorable. He rarely plays negative characters, but here is just brilliant. Brilliantly contested Hanks "change masks" and deep self-irony, the game with its own way a "good guy" argue that Hanks - one of the best actors of our time.
Code Yes Vinchi

Search History Holy Grail and the attempts of the protagonist (Tom Hanks) to clear his good name carry him into an incredible whirlwind of events, secrets and mysteries. He is humble, sometimes removed and clumsy - not a superhero, right? Many write about the lack of self-confidence, that in his incarnation Robert blunt and clumsy. But think should look like a teacher at Harvard, worked all my life with books and history, suddenly has taken up a gun and run away from the police? The answer is simple - ridiculous. So Hanks and submitted it, bravo.
Sleepless in Siettle

The characters of this film is so romantic, as it is possible. They see this old film about two lovers who met after the accident at the Empire State Building, and do the same thing. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are playing as if really in love with each other and are ready to love each other forever.
Their own liga

Everyone knows that Hank simply brilliant comedic talent, and in this film we are convinced of this. He malosloven, but his facial expression is just something. At the beginning of the film we see his hero Jimmy gouging and rude, but throughout the entire picture of his position in life in relation to women's baseball team is changing, and it becomes a perfect coach who sincerely believes in his team and its victory.
You pismo

Again, great cast, is headed by two "veteran actor" - Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. In Hank's talent not only to act in films with deep meaning, but in the movies, like "You've Got Mail." From it came the stunning spoiled multimillionaire, who nevertheless remains something good in my heart, strange as it may sound.
Apollo 13

At the start of filming scenes Hanks said, "Well, now poschёlkay buttons with a clever face and - filmed!" Protested Tom - it's linden! Consultants drove it a few days, as a result of the actor performed absolutely all actions, what should be done at the start of the captain. Prototypes of the heroes of the film noticed after the first show, "Well, Tom, you're an astronaut until he was, but at the start of the Ladder" Apollo "commission you have taken! ..»
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