Images of Tom Hanks
Twelve Josh Baskin dreams grow. Somehow, his wish comes true, and it is in the body of 30-year-old man. Josh goes to New York and quickly making a career, doing his favorite thing - playing with toys. He also gets a Woman, though not quite understand what to do, because the phrase "I'll be on top" is a place for it on the top shelf of bunk beds.
For the role, which brought him his first "Oscar", Tom Hanks lost 12 kg. All in order to get into character, Andrew Beckett, a gay lawyer with AIDS, and for this reason dismissed from the law firm. Beckett got justice in court because of the dark-skinned lawyer-homophobia by Denzel Washington, while Hanks and directed by Jonathan Demme turned out one of the first to make a movie on the first uncomfortable topic. By the way, the hero Hanks became boyfriend Antonio Banderas, who beat a young man of almost all gay men from Pedro Almodovar.
Forrest Gump
"Life is like a box of chocolates" - quoted beloved mother Forrest Gump, who had in his life, in spite of the "low IQ», to graduate, to war in Vietnam to meet with several US presidents, professionally play football and table tennis, put together a shrimp business, run a marathon, and finally to win Jenny. The role of the naive guy with a big heart brought Hanks second and last at the moment "Oscar".
Apollo 13
Astronaut Jim Lovell, who led almost ended in tragedy space mission "Apollo 13" in 1970, wanted to play him in the movie, Kevin Costner, but director Ron Howard instead agreed with Hanks. Well, except for him who is able to translate on screen charismatic, brave and at the same time the common man and the astronaut? Is that George Clooney (but that's another movie).
Saving Private Ryan
Hanks plays Captain Miller, who can not die without fulfilling his duty to the fatherland - to find and bring home Private James Francis Ryan, whose mother has already lost the war three sons. Before filming, Spielberg Hanks made to sweat on basic training and on set provided the mud, blood and grenade explosions, no less frightening than real.
The Green Mile
Paul Edgecombe - positive prison guard on death row, who tries to resist taunted prisoners warden-villain. Good Hanks believes in the innocence of the convicted giant John Coffey has supernatural healing powers, for which he eventually finds longevity and mouse as a pet.
Road to Perdition
Rare movie in which Hanks have to do something illegal. Michael Sullivan - a gangster, a real "angel of death", however, is not without a sense of honor and dignity. It is, on the one hand, loyal to his boss (virtually replaced his father), and on the other hand, loves his son and wants him to abandon the path of violence. We note parenthetically that Hanks is very machine-to-face and hat, and all would be happy to see more of him in the role asshole.
Viktor Navorski - citizen Krakozhii countries, which will cover the civil war, while he was flying to America. Victor valid visa and flights to Krakozhiyu canceled, so that the residence Navorski now becomes Kennedy Airport. It turns out that the terminal is no worse than a small country in Eastern Europe, so that the hero Hanks quickly settles: sleeping on the chairs in the waiting room and goes to shave in a public restroom in a robe. During the day he wears a shapeless suit, trying to make money on the food, teach English, solves the problem of airport employees, builds a mosaic fountain and fall in love with a flight attendant with a sad face, Catherine Zeta's Jones.
The Da Vinci Code
Without knowing it, Dan Brown has managed to spoil the career of Tom Hanks. Critics are unhappy with the adaptation of the bestseller, as told in the church condemned her story and picture about the proposed boycott of Harvard professor Robert Langdon, install it using Leonardo hints that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a daughter. But there are pluses: Hanks finally changed his hair - his hero Langdon short whorls prefer lush elongated hair.
Cloud Atlas
Once Tom Hanks may be different and efficient, why not just play six roles? So, apparently, thought the director Tom Tykwer with his brother and sister Wachowski and called him to come into the picture. In this film adaptation of the bestselling fiction David Mitchell Hanks, traveling time and worlds, tries on images insidious doctor, suspicious hotel manager, physicist, writer-felon, an actor on TV and weird residents of post-apocalyptic world. It remains an open question whether the actor received a salary of six or one.
Captain Phillips
Events recent days gone by: Tom Hanks against the pirates of the 21st century. What to do when your ship captured by Somali pirates, the actor learned from the participant occurred in 2009 events - the present captain Richard Phillips. Hero Hanks, glasses and gray beard, once again shows the screen serious heroism. For a long time we did not worry about the actor.
Saving Mr. Banks
Stylish middle-aged man in a suit with slicked-back hair, mustache and burning eyes - is Walt Disney, founder of the studio, which took 20 years to ensure that the writer Pamela Travers persuaded to give the film rights to her "Mary Poppins." Ohmurit it will not work: the smell of Los Angeles, she does not like the words of the songs wacky, and the house in the figures are not the same as you need, and even a walk through Disneyland with the very Disney ("Who ever walked through Disneyland with itself Walt Disney? ") - not happy. Arrogant lady managed to bribe their own memories of childhood, however, will not give out the details - will be able to learn in the movie.
Source: www.gq.ru
Twelve Josh Baskin dreams grow. Somehow, his wish comes true, and it is in the body of 30-year-old man. Josh goes to New York and quickly making a career, doing his favorite thing - playing with toys. He also gets a Woman, though not quite understand what to do, because the phrase "I'll be on top" is a place for it on the top shelf of bunk beds.

For the role, which brought him his first "Oscar", Tom Hanks lost 12 kg. All in order to get into character, Andrew Beckett, a gay lawyer with AIDS, and for this reason dismissed from the law firm. Beckett got justice in court because of the dark-skinned lawyer-homophobia by Denzel Washington, while Hanks and directed by Jonathan Demme turned out one of the first to make a movie on the first uncomfortable topic. By the way, the hero Hanks became boyfriend Antonio Banderas, who beat a young man of almost all gay men from Pedro Almodovar.

Forrest Gump
"Life is like a box of chocolates" - quoted beloved mother Forrest Gump, who had in his life, in spite of the "low IQ», to graduate, to war in Vietnam to meet with several US presidents, professionally play football and table tennis, put together a shrimp business, run a marathon, and finally to win Jenny. The role of the naive guy with a big heart brought Hanks second and last at the moment "Oscar".

Apollo 13
Astronaut Jim Lovell, who led almost ended in tragedy space mission "Apollo 13" in 1970, wanted to play him in the movie, Kevin Costner, but director Ron Howard instead agreed with Hanks. Well, except for him who is able to translate on screen charismatic, brave and at the same time the common man and the astronaut? Is that George Clooney (but that's another movie).

Saving Private Ryan
Hanks plays Captain Miller, who can not die without fulfilling his duty to the fatherland - to find and bring home Private James Francis Ryan, whose mother has already lost the war three sons. Before filming, Spielberg Hanks made to sweat on basic training and on set provided the mud, blood and grenade explosions, no less frightening than real.

The Green Mile
Paul Edgecombe - positive prison guard on death row, who tries to resist taunted prisoners warden-villain. Good Hanks believes in the innocence of the convicted giant John Coffey has supernatural healing powers, for which he eventually finds longevity and mouse as a pet.

Road to Perdition
Rare movie in which Hanks have to do something illegal. Michael Sullivan - a gangster, a real "angel of death", however, is not without a sense of honor and dignity. It is, on the one hand, loyal to his boss (virtually replaced his father), and on the other hand, loves his son and wants him to abandon the path of violence. We note parenthetically that Hanks is very machine-to-face and hat, and all would be happy to see more of him in the role asshole.

Viktor Navorski - citizen Krakozhii countries, which will cover the civil war, while he was flying to America. Victor valid visa and flights to Krakozhiyu canceled, so that the residence Navorski now becomes Kennedy Airport. It turns out that the terminal is no worse than a small country in Eastern Europe, so that the hero Hanks quickly settles: sleeping on the chairs in the waiting room and goes to shave in a public restroom in a robe. During the day he wears a shapeless suit, trying to make money on the food, teach English, solves the problem of airport employees, builds a mosaic fountain and fall in love with a flight attendant with a sad face, Catherine Zeta's Jones.

The Da Vinci Code
Without knowing it, Dan Brown has managed to spoil the career of Tom Hanks. Critics are unhappy with the adaptation of the bestseller, as told in the church condemned her story and picture about the proposed boycott of Harvard professor Robert Langdon, install it using Leonardo hints that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a daughter. But there are pluses: Hanks finally changed his hair - his hero Langdon short whorls prefer lush elongated hair.

Cloud Atlas
Once Tom Hanks may be different and efficient, why not just play six roles? So, apparently, thought the director Tom Tykwer with his brother and sister Wachowski and called him to come into the picture. In this film adaptation of the bestselling fiction David Mitchell Hanks, traveling time and worlds, tries on images insidious doctor, suspicious hotel manager, physicist, writer-felon, an actor on TV and weird residents of post-apocalyptic world. It remains an open question whether the actor received a salary of six or one.

Captain Phillips
Events recent days gone by: Tom Hanks against the pirates of the 21st century. What to do when your ship captured by Somali pirates, the actor learned from the participant occurred in 2009 events - the present captain Richard Phillips. Hero Hanks, glasses and gray beard, once again shows the screen serious heroism. For a long time we did not worry about the actor.

Saving Mr. Banks
Stylish middle-aged man in a suit with slicked-back hair, mustache and burning eyes - is Walt Disney, founder of the studio, which took 20 years to ensure that the writer Pamela Travers persuaded to give the film rights to her "Mary Poppins." Ohmurit it will not work: the smell of Los Angeles, she does not like the words of the songs wacky, and the house in the figures are not the same as you need, and even a walk through Disneyland with the very Disney ("Who ever walked through Disneyland with itself Walt Disney? ") - not happy. Arrogant lady managed to bribe their own memories of childhood, however, will not give out the details - will be able to learn in the movie.

Source: www.gq.ru