10 books that are worth reading for every woman

Women love all kinds of books. Among them are the history of a romantic and inspiring, realistic and fantastic stories about the power of beauty and strength of spirit, novels about the confrontation of minds and hearts of attraction. It could be said that not all of them are about love, but let's be honest - it tells the story of love almost all of world literature.
Website sure: sometimes just read a book can change a life.

Erich Maria Remarque "Life on loan" That's life, when has nothing to lose. Race driver Klerfe takes away from the sanatorium for a terminally ill patient Lillian. Knowing that she was left to live quite a bit, she wants to spend the rest of bright and unusual ... The story that breaks you apart and then gathers into a single entity, but other changes. History teaches that to appreciate life and not fear death.

Joanne Harris "Chocolate" Roman delicacy soaked flavors of chocolate, chewy caramel, fresh pastries and mystery. Wind Carnival in the provincial town of Lanskne-sous-Tann brought beautiful strangers, mother and daughter. They open a pastry shop in the city - and the lives of the townspeople changed forever. A wonderful book that bit of magic lives in every woman, and the main thing - to be able to use it correctly.

Margaret Atwood "The Handmaid's Tale" in dystopian Margaret Atwood in all its glory appears brave new world, where women have no right to own property, to work, to love, to read and write. They can not run in the mornings, picnics and parties, they are not allowed to marry a second time. They left only one role - maid. Roman, who just do not get to read calmly.

Nicholas Sparks' best in me "prose by Nicholas Sparks - light and bright, so read it - a real pleasure. It's all natural, believable, so she wanted to believe, and even a drop of mysticism does not spoil the picture. It has everything necessary for a pleasant evening: a provincial town, separation, and a great love affair, dreaming of immortality.

Anne Frank "Refuge. Blog letters "Anne Frank was born in 1929. She died in a concentration camp when she was 15 years old. Her diary, which she kept in Amsterdam, hiding with her family from the Nazis, became known worldwide. Such books are definitely worth reading - they resemble the terrible pages of history and learn never, under any circumstances, do not give up.

Jojo Moyes "Before I met you," Lu - a simple girl, leading a measured, cozy and boring life. Will - a successful businessman, energetic and full of energy. But one day everything changes: Will is confined to a wheelchair, without the slightest desire to live, Lu became his nurse. Their touching story tells that the difficulties can be overcome - even when we do not think so.

Vladimir Nabokov "Lolita" book scandal skolyhnuvshaya readers on both sides of the ocean, "Lolita" wakes up conflicting emotions. Some see it as a shocking story of sin in almost anatomical details, and someone from the first page falls in love with the stringy, enveloping style and "drinks" novel to the bottom, reading it as a hymn of "love at first sight, the last look with the eternal sight ».

John Fowles' The French Lieutenant's "Every day on the beach is a young woman in black and looking at the horizon. Once it sees the young man, who is about to marry someone else, and everything goes awry. Marries it or give vent to feelings? You decide. Fowles wrote two versions of the finals, to show that conscience - it is an individual choice.

Alice Munro "More life itself" The main feature of the Nobel laureate stories Alice Munro is that any of them you can discover the history of the accident of his own life, such as it is, with all the shortcomings and nuances. The existence of its heroes is impossible not to believe. The most powerful weapon in the arsenal of Munroe - the ability to empathize with the characters, and here it shows it in its entirety.

Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, love" This autobiographical story of a successful modern woman who has lost the taste of life and gained back it. It reminds every female reader of what she really wants what she wants - is about freedom, about happiness, about the ability to have fun and to live in peace with them.
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