Post adoration Mayakovsky

Vladimir Mayakovsky burst into poetry with his tall, strong gait, excitement, with a sweeping gesture, and a fiery speech. This person shook the poetic world and left a significant mark on the work of the Silver Age.
Mayakovsky rebellious nature was manifested in everything: appearance, manner of dress, recite poems. He was arrogant, outrageous and rude, but at the same time very vulnerable person.
< Website I gathered for you interesting stories and pictures from the life of the poet.
Poetry Vladimir Mayakovskogo

new style
When Mayakovsky coined his famous verse "ladder", fellow poets accused him of cheating - because poets then paid for the number of rows and Mayakovsky received 2-3 times more for a similar poem "length". According Mayakovsky, rhyme is to force all the lines that decorate one thought, to be together. He put the most characteristic word at the end of the line, and in that no matter what it took out a rhyme.
Osip Brik, Lilya Brik Vladimir Vladimirovich

Evil Lily
Mayakovsky women and lucky and unlucky at the same time. Biographers have unanimously called it the greatest love of Lily Brik. That he wrote to her: "I love, love, in spite of everything and because of everything, loved, love and will love you, will you be rude to me or affectionate, mine or someone else's. Still I love. Amen. " And Lily Y. happily lived with her husband Osip Brik. After his death in 1945, she says: "When Mayakovsky shot himself - died the great poet. When Osip died - died I ».
Mayakovsky speaks to krasnoarmeytsami

The favorite of the crowd
Goltsshmidt Vladimir Mayakovsky was near and thinking aloud about their success:
- Here I am only a month in Moscow, and I already know. Speakers - continuous applause, hundreds of notes from the ladies there is a release. As you wish - thanks ...
Towards the mountain rose Red Guard patrol. Mayakovsky came to the edge of the sidewalk and turned to the Red Guards:
- Good morning, comrades!
From a number of Red responded in unison and fun:
- Good morning, Comrade Mayakovsky!
The poet turned to the "futurist life" and, smiling, he said:
- Here it is, the glory, fame here ... Well! Kreuth, young man.
Futurist Vladimir Mayakovskiy

I know Pushkin by heart
In Tbilisi was held the evening entitled "The Face of literature of the USSR." Mayakovsky began to ask different questions:
Question: "How do you feel about Demian Poor?»
Mayakovsky: «I read».
Question: "And to Yesenin?" (It took about two months after his death).
Mayakovsky: «In general, to the dead, I'm biased».
Question: "Whose money do you travel abroad?»
Mayakovsky: «On your!»
Question: "How often do you look at Pushkin?»
Mayakovsky: «never look. I know Pushkin by heart ».
Vladimir Vladimirovich exhibition
"20 years" shortly before his smerti

the first time
Polytechnic Institute, Vladimir Mayakovsky, speaking at a debate on the proletarian internationalism:
- Among Russian I feel Russian, among Georgians I feel Georgian ...
Question from the audience:
- And among fools?
- And among the fools I first.
Muse Tatiana Yakovleva

unattainable muse
In addition to Lily Brik, the poet was still beloved. On one of them he met in Paris, when he traveled there to read. We called the muse Tatiana Yakovleva. I loved it, as always, it is terrible. And she had politely rejected. Mayakovsky took all his considerable fee for the French "tour" in a flower company and asked every day to send her flowers. And they sent. Including during World War II. These flowers have saved her life - Yakovlev change them for food. Then, of course, the money ran out, but she continued to receive flowers until his death - it was very beneficial to have a floral company.
Looking poeta

Who wants to get in the face?
Futurist Mayakovsky was known rude antics and unusual appearance. Once he stepped onto the stage to "read their verses to the public gathered amuse them out with his hands in his trouser pockets, a cigarette clamped in the corner of his mouth twisted with contempt. He is tall, stately and strong appearance, his features are sharp and large, it reads, then amplifying his voice to a roar, then lazily muttering to himself; finished reading, refers to the public since the prosaic speech: "Who wishes to receive the favor in the face to stand in line" ».
Mayakovsky, Kouchner, Brik and her mother in the summer of 1923 Norderney
Mayakovsky about his trips
After a trip abroad Mayakovsky asked:
- Vladimir Vladimirovich, as there is in Monte Carlo, gorgeous?
He replied:
- It is, as we have in the "Big Moscow» [ Hotel em>].
Then he was asked:
- You traveled a lot. I wonder what city you feel most beautiful?
The answer was:
- Vyatka.
Mayakovsky and Brik. Yalta 1926 god

Still - Lilechka
The poet gave his beloved Lily Brik ring with her initials - "A Yu B". Being placed in a circle, the letters were formed into an endless "LOVE».
The day after the poet's death in the newspapers published his suicide note
In that die, I do not blame anyone, and please do not gossip. The deceased is not terribly fond of. My mother, sisters and comrades, I'm sorry - this is not the way (do not advise others), but I have no way out. Lily - love me. Comrade Government, my family - it Lilya Brik, mother, sister and Veronica Vitoldovna Polonsky. If you give them a decent life - thank you. Launched verses give Brik, they will understand. As they say - the incident isperchen, love boat has crashed against life. I am living in the calculation, and to what list of mutual pain, misery and resentment.
Happily stay.
Vladimir Mayakovsky ».
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