That is the length of the fingers tells about your character
Website publishes a simple test that can tell you a lot.
It's simple. Look at your hand and compare the length of index and ring fingers.
A) index finger shorter than the ring.
Such people are often very attractive, agreeable and charismatic. They are more resolute other, risk-averse, and can easily cope with emerging challenges. In addition, one of their special qualities - the ability to sympathize and empathize with the other person. They make excellent engineers, scientists and craftsmen to solve crossword puzzles.
B) index finger longer than the ring.
These people are often confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and really do not like being disturbed at trifles. They are not one of those people who made the first step forward, whether it be a new business or relationships. But they appreciate the attention and graciously accept praise.
C) index and ring fingers of the same length.
People with these fingers are peaceful, good-natured and do not like conflict. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. These people are true in relationships, dedication and the company, which employs. But beware, for they lit a small fire, which is better not to bring up the fire. Be on their side.
via raznogo.com/
It's simple. Look at your hand and compare the length of index and ring fingers.
A) index finger shorter than the ring.
Such people are often very attractive, agreeable and charismatic. They are more resolute other, risk-averse, and can easily cope with emerging challenges. In addition, one of their special qualities - the ability to sympathize and empathize with the other person. They make excellent engineers, scientists and craftsmen to solve crossword puzzles.
B) index finger longer than the ring.
These people are often confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and really do not like being disturbed at trifles. They are not one of those people who made the first step forward, whether it be a new business or relationships. But they appreciate the attention and graciously accept praise.
C) index and ring fingers of the same length.
People with these fingers are peaceful, good-natured and do not like conflict. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. These people are true in relationships, dedication and the company, which employs. But beware, for they lit a small fire, which is better not to bring up the fire. Be on their side.
via raznogo.com/