17 high-power street patterns, revealing uncomfortable truths
In the hands of a skilled artist spray paint is not the way to write "Vasya was here", but a tool to bring people to the relevant information. Then the walls of the houses are very real canvas that host the provocative drawings of environmental issues and global warming.
Website publishes the best works of artists who have something to say.
I do not believe in global poteplenie
Let's help the plants remain zhivymi
Killing ourselves ...
... The world is going down the hvost
Bitter pravda
Hours tikayut
Urbanization kills prirodu
Peace in ogne
Animals in zooparkah
There could be park
Born to be dikim
Sucking out all the planet soki
Earth - trash pirog
Hoping to see nebo
Eat yourself!
Pollution vozduha
Ice Ice Baby
via # image15413560
Website publishes the best works of artists who have something to say.
I do not believe in global poteplenie

Let's help the plants remain zhivymi

Killing ourselves ...

... The world is going down the hvost

Bitter pravda

Hours tikayut

Urbanization kills prirodu

Peace in ogne

Animals in zooparkah

There could be park

Born to be dikim

Sucking out all the planet soki

Earth - trash pirog

Hoping to see nebo

Eat yourself!

Pollution vozduha

Ice Ice Baby

via # image15413560
15 emotions of people who are doing something for the first time
25 movies with amazing stories about love