20 photos, which will change your view of your favorite movies
Each editor Website I would like to personally visit the kinokuhne and see how a cult movie, but as long as this is not possible, we are content with interesting backstage shots that complement this fantastic world of cinema and make it even more attractive. < br />
It is difficult, perhaps, to play mortal enemies, when in life you are good friends.
Gandalf consults with Peter Jackson, which is better to use the spell against the orcs in the Battle of Helm's Deep.
Storm lady green matter.
"300". King Leonidas talking with friends before the battle with the Persians.
It looks like Ghostbusters slightly exaggerated the scale of the threat marshmallow man for New York. It is no more than 2 meters!
In real life, the Musketeers choose horses motorcycles.
In between takes, "Django Unchained" DiCaprio plays the director.
Leo is very worried before an important recording to Metro Goldwyn Mayer.
American soldiers are ready for a meeting with Godzilla.
Alien also need to rest between takes.
Hannibal Lecter and his potatoes fries. A strange combination.
The working day is over, joker lonely walks home. And let Batman wait.
Epic battle Thor and Hulk in "The Avengers».
John Rozengrent, special effects artist, tries of the dinosaur costume for "Jurassic Park 3».
So emotionally Cumberbatch plays Smaug in "The Hobbit».
Luc Besson teaches young Natalie Portman bad things behind the scenes, "Leon».
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola and his influential friend of Don Vito Corleone.
In real life, all the characters of the movie "Home Alone" - good friends.
That awkward feeling when needed instead of the tiger show emotions to blue toy hippo.
Still, that once and for all prove that the raft would be enough room for Jack.
See also:
So look films without special effects
Behind the scenes of the cult movie
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/za-kadrom-kultovogo-kino-372455/

It is difficult, perhaps, to play mortal enemies, when in life you are good friends.

Gandalf consults with Peter Jackson, which is better to use the spell against the orcs in the Battle of Helm's Deep.

Storm lady green matter.

"300". King Leonidas talking with friends before the battle with the Persians.

It looks like Ghostbusters slightly exaggerated the scale of the threat marshmallow man for New York. It is no more than 2 meters!

In real life, the Musketeers choose horses motorcycles.
In between takes, "Django Unchained" DiCaprio plays the director.

Leo is very worried before an important recording to Metro Goldwyn Mayer.

American soldiers are ready for a meeting with Godzilla.
Alien also need to rest between takes.
Hannibal Lecter and his potatoes fries. A strange combination.

The working day is over, joker lonely walks home. And let Batman wait.

Epic battle Thor and Hulk in "The Avengers».

John Rozengrent, special effects artist, tries of the dinosaur costume for "Jurassic Park 3».

So emotionally Cumberbatch plays Smaug in "The Hobbit».

Luc Besson teaches young Natalie Portman bad things behind the scenes, "Leon».

Directed by Francis Ford Coppola and his influential friend of Don Vito Corleone.

In real life, all the characters of the movie "Home Alone" - good friends.

That awkward feeling when needed instead of the tiger show emotions to blue toy hippo.

Still, that once and for all prove that the raft would be enough room for Jack.
See also:
So look films without special effects
Behind the scenes of the cult movie
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/za-kadrom-kultovogo-kino-372455/