10 ways to easily clean "difficult" surfaces

If you started a cleaning and a hand was not the right detergent, do not worry. These life hacking will help to cope with the dirt in the most "difficult" surfaces with the help of available funds. Checked website.
Pots and protivni

Clean baked-on cookware helps mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide. Minimum effort - a good result.
Window ramy

Sprinkle baking soda contaminated sites and fill them with vinegar. Wait for a reaction will take place. Use the brush to remove dirt. Then wipe with a damp cloth.
Washing mashina

Washing machine, too dirty, and it can cause unpleasant smell. To get rid of it, start the wash cycle without things, adding a bay powder mixture of soda and vinegar.
Seams between plitkami

To clean the joints between the tiles, it takes a brush and chlorinated cleaner toilet. After 10 minutes, the tile will shine.
Sofa from mikrofibry

Use alcohol to clean first, and then - distilled water. First, soak, and then rub dry with a stiff brush. Water from the tap to clean a sofa should not be, because they can stay stains and spots.

Make a few cuts and soak the brush in warm water with baking soda, make it easier to remove the hair.
Ventilation otverstiya

With the help of an old cosmetic brushes you can get to where you do not even got a vacuum cleaner.
Decorative glass bottles and vazy

Mix salt, soap and a little bit of warm water and pour the mixture into the bottle, shake a few times. Rinse under running water. If necessary, repeat the whole procedure again.
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To save money on dry cleaning, salon can be cleaned independently. Make a soap solution with the addition of baking soda and vinegar, and using a stiff brush to remove dirt.

Toothpaste can easily cope with a marker or traces from the handle. Apply it on the painted portion, wait, and wipe with a sponge.
via: awareness-time
via awareness-time.com/19-ways-to-conquer-the-hard-to-clean-things-in-your-home/4/
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