Firefighter rescued a little girl, and that's what she did, 17 years later
Many years ago a fireman named Mike Hughes rescued from the fire 9-month-old Daniel Davison, pulled her out of the crib. But there the story is not over.
"When we arrived, a large part of the house was already on fire. Daniel I found in the bedroom, when she curled up, lying in his bed, "- says Hughes.
A few years later the fire wanted to know the fate of their baby rescued. He found her on Facebook and wrote: "I think I pulled you out of the fire, when you were a little girl." From that point on, they did not stop to chat, and Mike became a second father to the girls.
After 17 years after the fire, Daniel called Mike at graduation as their savior and a close friend.
And he wept, listening to a speech by Daniel: "Mike's presence at the ceremony is very important for me. I always cry with happiness when I think that things could be quite different. I would not be here if it were not for you. "
According to the materials: abcnews
See also: The man entered their beliefs, to save the boy's life
The simple story of good deeds that will necessarily return
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-dobro/prostaya-istoriya-o-tom-chto-dobrye-postupki-obyazatelno-vernutsya-758560/

"When we arrived, a large part of the house was already on fire. Daniel I found in the bedroom, when she curled up, lying in his bed, "- says Hughes.
A few years later the fire wanted to know the fate of their baby rescued. He found her on Facebook and wrote: "I think I pulled you out of the fire, when you were a little girl." From that point on, they did not stop to chat, and Mike became a second father to the girls.
After 17 years after the fire, Daniel called Mike at graduation as their savior and a close friend.

And he wept, listening to a speech by Daniel: "Mike's presence at the ceremony is very important for me. I always cry with happiness when I think that things could be quite different. I would not be here if it were not for you. "

According to the materials: abcnews
See also: The man entered their beliefs, to save the boy's life
The simple story of good deeds that will necessarily return
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-dobro/prostaya-istoriya-o-tom-chto-dobrye-postupki-obyazatelno-vernutsya-758560/