5 lessons from people who were not afraid of change

History bold family, which has carried out all their mechty.- Three years ago, we got on the plane Moscow - Paris with a one-way ticket, a three year old daughter and two suitcases, which were not money.
The years of a successful career, a stable life and a solid beach left behind. Beginning of the experiment, called "Let's try to live where love, and do what we believe." It is time to implement long pylivshiesya dreams.
I always tell my clients: geography, money, profession - it's just a condition of the problem, the main thing - to know what the problem solved itself.
Our initial conditions were as follows: Roma - project manager in the commercial marketing, I - talent manager, Egor - school senior Anya - Anya just three years. We have a stable job in an international company, we are living in Moscow, a lot of travel around the world and in general like all other people.
What we set sights: to exchange all this stability for any course on the life that we choose ourselves. With Romina choice it was clear from the start - he had always dreamed of becoming a chef of the French restaurant. My new role drowning in uncertainty, but I was sure that'll take care of the way. Relations in Europe there is, stocks of money - for about a year, not to work, and the budget to live and get a good education.
And we began the era of great change.
Today I am writing to you from Monaco, from the window see the Prince's Palace and going to race in Formula 1 spectators, Roma from seven in the morning in the restaurant meets with suppliers, Anya close reading a French book, a vacation with her. Our senior studying and working in St. Petersburg. The era of great change declare closed, it is time to results and growth. Ready to share with you the major lessons of great change.
Lesson 1 If you think something big when you have 30 - an appropriate time will never happen. It would be more inconvenient and less wrong.

After 30 we are cluttered with bonds, houses, circumstances, we have already built into a course of things, and they themselves will not develop an ideal way to take all rebuilt. The conclusion is simple - once thought to be done.
Some people ask me, what about the fears, because they also need to somehow dispel or overcome, and then start. And I think it's useless. Fears and experiences - it's normal, but put them at the forefront, and in general as they celebrate, I do not want to.
The example in this topic of life. This is a pregnant woman. If delivery appointed day she first came to the state where it does not experiential, then this day would never come. And now even afraid, though fear not - if it's the nature of the appointed time inevitable, you give birth, you scared or not. So it is with the changes. If this day is inevitable (but so what, that you yourself appointed him), you are not going to analyze the fears and do what is necessary.
Lesson 2 First, all that you dream, it seems impossible. But the dream of the impossible to the normal plan, there is a bridge - is the first step.

Even the smallest, but it will mean that you've crossed the line from past to future. As Napoleon said, the main thing - to get involved in the fight. In our case, it was a letter to the culinary academy LeCordon Bleu in Paris about opportunities to learn from the chef. Then visit there. And now we are looking for an apartment in Paris, we learn in the consulate about the documents, grooming a successor on the job. And do not argue about the distant and unrealizable, but just take it far, divide it into understandable and forth.
Lesson 3 On a new field of activity the main competitive advantage - it is not a joke when the lights for what you took.

Today I was talking to Joan, she was so tired, tired advertiser in the restaurant business (in her words, she "got lost in the restaurant business"). I listened and remembered Joan Roma, whose eyes burn at this very restaurant business. For the year working on his new career, he had so actively get involved in the matter that held several high-profile events in Moscow and a couple of them - in cooperation with the newly acquired French partners.
When you do something with passion, you develop this much faster than those who do it simply out of duty. Because the jump in the night and write a new idea or a book to read on the day of its subject - it's not annoying, it charges. Roma can spend half their output, inventing a new sauce to the salad, and he did not bother to mix all the components of twenty cases. Now imagine that such a passion for their work competes with the usual, that is, normal relations people are not so keen on? You bet on who will do? That's the way it works.
When you are very interested, you stop to think about the conventions, you fly in, say, London to the desired workshop, and you do not care, as long as you can not afford a nice dinner there. This is generally the head does not hurt.
Lesson 4 When the left pocket 20 cents, things go faster than when there are 20 thousand. Difficulties mobilizing and pumped qualities that atrophy predictable welfare.
We've had some pretty dark days, but after the first of the day, we stopped to fear them and concluded that appear on the bottom - it means to be on a hard surface on which to push off and sail up.
Once we dropped his hands, because after months of registration of the contract in Monaco came refusal to approve the post of Chief of Roma, for one high official did not see in it the potential to become a chef in a local restaurant and the lack of strength of the national great experience. As I remember, we were sitting on the floor in the kitchen in silence. The paper's refusal to lay between us. Then we looked at each other, habitually pulled herself together and came up with a plan to convince the man.
At the start, because no one gives a guarantee for a happy ending. You just have to plow the enthusiasm and wait for the right opportunity. For example, Monaco, we never considered as a destination. But the opportunity - and we were ready for it.
Lesson 5 All that was before - not in vain. Even when it seems that it is a complete start from scratch - it is not a complete start from scratch.

It would seem, in the kitchen of the restaurant trade marketing knowledge is not really applicable. But Roma manage complex projects, he led the team and learned to achieve results, and the restaurant is all proved very useful.
And about me at a special story. At first I thought I wanted to be a writer. And for the first month in Paris even wrote half of the novel, the detective. Of course, he was an office life, and the first victim of the office suspiciously looked like a maniac on my boss. I also learned to write about travel and professional shooting. And I was sure that my 15 years in the field of personnel work ended with my office life.
And I found myself very close to the place where lost. Once I realized that I always advise people (just) about work. With all that I am learning, than interested - it is just about a career change, how it is obtained from others and what determines success. When it dawned on me that this is what gives me my pleasure and my sense, I found my focus. And I realized that I wanted to become an expert in this, and help others to find themselves, and to do it faster and more safely. And here I overestimated these 15 years, which are now a good foundation. And the writing is realized in the blog - also had very useful.
I told you about five of our private lessons. And in the end I want to give just one piece of advice. It is not necessary to go somewhere. We must go somewhere. Then everything works. We went to another country, not because we were bad. We've all been good, but we had plans. If it was not in the plans of French cuisine, and yoga, we would have gone to India. Geography has nothing to do with it - it is important to know your answer to the question why.
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