20 kinotsitat after which want to reconsider your favorite films?

Steep movies do not just brilliant actors and entangled plot. Often only one idea, voiced most vivid character, can reveal the essence of the painting. Such phrases remain in the memory, we reflect on them and that they remember when we mean a particular movie. And sometimes the words of the hero, heard at the right time, are able to turn even life.

American History X

Green milya

Fight klub

Religious otets


Chronicles Riddika

Law Abiding grazhdanin

Areas tmy

Fight klub



Terms removal: The method Hitcha


Eat Pray lyubi

Lie menya

Sleepy loschina


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the "Black Pearl"

Sex druzhbe

Dark rytsar

Inspirational quotes

30 citations against Bernard Shaw whining and laziness

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