15 films from the unexpected outcome
Among the millions of films and jammed with a predictable plot and there are real masterpieces, which are able to break the standard scenario in tatters. They are shocking, etched in my memory, and do not let go.
Website has prepared for you a new collection of movies that will keep you in suspense until the last minute.
12 Monkeys / Twelve Monkeys
Terry Gilliam makes films in his own inimitable style. They are fun to watch, even when they do not like. With surreal painting "12 Monkeys," all is well. Do not think that will be taken to a fairy tale. The director sends us to the wonderful world where the ability to move forward, then back to the past, where crazy - absolutely brilliant people. Here's what we thought a huge mystery, conspiracy, has a simple clue. An extraordinary film, not on a par with any Hollywood blockbuster.
11: 14
The creators of this movie turned out completely withdraw "life" thriller. There are no arrows "a killer" and wholly comic atmosphere and antics of the main characters at the camera. All play seriously. But watch this movie without laughter is impossible. And there are several subplots, reverse the chronology of events and the ring composition of the painting makes this genre particularly tasty cocktail.
The Butterfly Effect / The Butterfly Effect
"Even flapping wings of a butterfly can cause a tsunami on the other side of the world." The budget is not decided how to glory in Hollywood are not the actors of cash, a strong script with flashbacks and competent direction - and we got a very, very interesting, and most importantly - an unpredictable film, full of sorrow, violence, frustration, and somewhere deep- You can find deep and a bit of luck. But before it still need to get. Break through pain and sorrow, and to be prepared for losses.
Identification / Identity
A great thriller-mystery. You would not guess what will be the final. Any built in the process of watching this movie hypothesis is refuted virtually every next scene. The tense situation when the suspect is any of the others, "wolves in sheep's clothing" and constantly coming rain - the director and the writers skillfully to the atmosphere. A complements this volatile mix is excellent acting team.
Source Code / Source Code
At first glance it may seem that this is a classic "Groundhog Day" under a new guise. However, the further unfolding events in the film, the more are felt its uniqueness and philosophical essence. This is a really powerful film, captures the imagination and the mind. And it's not in the alternate realities and multiple repetition intervals of the past, where you can change everything. All of this is used for only one - show the importance of moments.
Sending / The Box
This film touches on many philosophical questions, the answer to which can take more than one day. The history of sending with a button and its mysterious owner - Envoys of whether aliens, whether divine powers - looks like a parable in which there is no unequivocal moral truth. We live in a box. Our machines - box on wheels. We are working in the boxes. And even when we die, we put in the last box ... And you have clicked on the button?
Oldboy / Oldeuboi
"Oldboy" - one of the best examples of independent, unique and high-quality movies that can shoot in South Korea. Directed by Park Chan-wook showed that life - is a game of chess, and have made one wrong move - and lost. Every action, every word we need to think about. Otherwise, someone will put us checkmate. A deep philosophical background and a phenomenal game of actors make the film a must for viewing.
Black Swan / Black Swan
"Black Swan" - is almost perfect psychological drama with a delightful game of actors, incredible atmosphere, beautiful classic soundtrack and a whole palette of different emotions. From tantrums ballerina Nina in a luxury performance Natalie Portman sometimes it brings cheekbones. And itself pops the question: "What is more important - mental stability or imaginary perfection?»
The Village / The Village
In this film, each frame is a hymn to the beauty and color. Romantic story here seems more intimate, human, soulful and beautiful than in the same acclaimed "Twilight." But it is also a tale about human fear, manipulation and attempts to run away from life, build their "ideal world».
Ghost / The Ghost Writer
Labyrinth - that's what this movie is. A huge maze of great number of assumptions built as the main character, and us mere spectators. As a result, the director Roman Polanski, who had previously struggled with Satan himself, the Nazis and the bandits decided to fight with the policy. And his last fight at times better than the previous ones for all of the past decade. So clearly, as quickly and as accurately trample all and take a genius film only he could.
Illusionist / The Illusionist
The secret of success of the film, the reason why it wants to review the hundreds of times - in his story. History Eyzenhayma brilliant illusionist. His determination to go to the fraud, tricks and cheats for love is respect. And then, as he does, is doubly a matter of respect. The ending of the picture and does make you sit with your mouth open.
Now You See Me / Now You See Me
"Now You See Me" - entertaining, dynamic and intriguing wild ribbon. It is also gratifying that the intrigue, as the old magician's trunk, the film is not even double and triple bottoms. A soundtrack that "breathes" with the film, helping to exacerbate the tension, where necessary, and to breathe in between, a moment to catch his breath again.
Vanished / Gone Girl
Eccentric David Fincher took a little humorous, moderately vulgar but fascinating film. Until the very last minute you do not know what he was going to end, and it keeps the tension forcing pressed into a chair. But not from fear, but from the realization that in our life everything is possible - and even the closest people may be strangers. And the "disappeared" - analysis of modern society is exposing most of its shortcomings. For this bravo Fincher.
See also the first part of the compilation:
25 films from the unexpected outcome
And our best kinopodborki:
15 films, mind-expanding
20 films from which we want to live
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-filmov-ot-kotoryh-nam-hochetsya-zhit-724110/
Website has prepared for you a new collection of movies that will keep you in suspense until the last minute.
12 Monkeys / Twelve Monkeys

Terry Gilliam makes films in his own inimitable style. They are fun to watch, even when they do not like. With surreal painting "12 Monkeys," all is well. Do not think that will be taken to a fairy tale. The director sends us to the wonderful world where the ability to move forward, then back to the past, where crazy - absolutely brilliant people. Here's what we thought a huge mystery, conspiracy, has a simple clue. An extraordinary film, not on a par with any Hollywood blockbuster.
11: 14

The creators of this movie turned out completely withdraw "life" thriller. There are no arrows "a killer" and wholly comic atmosphere and antics of the main characters at the camera. All play seriously. But watch this movie without laughter is impossible. And there are several subplots, reverse the chronology of events and the ring composition of the painting makes this genre particularly tasty cocktail.
The Butterfly Effect / The Butterfly Effect

"Even flapping wings of a butterfly can cause a tsunami on the other side of the world." The budget is not decided how to glory in Hollywood are not the actors of cash, a strong script with flashbacks and competent direction - and we got a very, very interesting, and most importantly - an unpredictable film, full of sorrow, violence, frustration, and somewhere deep- You can find deep and a bit of luck. But before it still need to get. Break through pain and sorrow, and to be prepared for losses.
Identification / Identity

A great thriller-mystery. You would not guess what will be the final. Any built in the process of watching this movie hypothesis is refuted virtually every next scene. The tense situation when the suspect is any of the others, "wolves in sheep's clothing" and constantly coming rain - the director and the writers skillfully to the atmosphere. A complements this volatile mix is excellent acting team.
Source Code / Source Code

At first glance it may seem that this is a classic "Groundhog Day" under a new guise. However, the further unfolding events in the film, the more are felt its uniqueness and philosophical essence. This is a really powerful film, captures the imagination and the mind. And it's not in the alternate realities and multiple repetition intervals of the past, where you can change everything. All of this is used for only one - show the importance of moments.
Sending / The Box

This film touches on many philosophical questions, the answer to which can take more than one day. The history of sending with a button and its mysterious owner - Envoys of whether aliens, whether divine powers - looks like a parable in which there is no unequivocal moral truth. We live in a box. Our machines - box on wheels. We are working in the boxes. And even when we die, we put in the last box ... And you have clicked on the button?
Oldboy / Oldeuboi

"Oldboy" - one of the best examples of independent, unique and high-quality movies that can shoot in South Korea. Directed by Park Chan-wook showed that life - is a game of chess, and have made one wrong move - and lost. Every action, every word we need to think about. Otherwise, someone will put us checkmate. A deep philosophical background and a phenomenal game of actors make the film a must for viewing.
Black Swan / Black Swan

"Black Swan" - is almost perfect psychological drama with a delightful game of actors, incredible atmosphere, beautiful classic soundtrack and a whole palette of different emotions. From tantrums ballerina Nina in a luxury performance Natalie Portman sometimes it brings cheekbones. And itself pops the question: "What is more important - mental stability or imaginary perfection?»
The Village / The Village

In this film, each frame is a hymn to the beauty and color. Romantic story here seems more intimate, human, soulful and beautiful than in the same acclaimed "Twilight." But it is also a tale about human fear, manipulation and attempts to run away from life, build their "ideal world».
Ghost / The Ghost Writer

Labyrinth - that's what this movie is. A huge maze of great number of assumptions built as the main character, and us mere spectators. As a result, the director Roman Polanski, who had previously struggled with Satan himself, the Nazis and the bandits decided to fight with the policy. And his last fight at times better than the previous ones for all of the past decade. So clearly, as quickly and as accurately trample all and take a genius film only he could.
Illusionist / The Illusionist

The secret of success of the film, the reason why it wants to review the hundreds of times - in his story. History Eyzenhayma brilliant illusionist. His determination to go to the fraud, tricks and cheats for love is respect. And then, as he does, is doubly a matter of respect. The ending of the picture and does make you sit with your mouth open.
Now You See Me / Now You See Me

"Now You See Me" - entertaining, dynamic and intriguing wild ribbon. It is also gratifying that the intrigue, as the old magician's trunk, the film is not even double and triple bottoms. A soundtrack that "breathes" with the film, helping to exacerbate the tension, where necessary, and to breathe in between, a moment to catch his breath again.
Vanished / Gone Girl

Eccentric David Fincher took a little humorous, moderately vulgar but fascinating film. Until the very last minute you do not know what he was going to end, and it keeps the tension forcing pressed into a chair. But not from fear, but from the realization that in our life everything is possible - and even the closest people may be strangers. And the "disappeared" - analysis of modern society is exposing most of its shortcomings. For this bravo Fincher.
See also the first part of the compilation:
25 films from the unexpected outcome
And our best kinopodborki:
15 films, mind-expanding
20 films from which we want to live
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-filmov-ot-kotoryh-nam-hochetsya-zhit-724110/