20 Commandments of Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa called the most influential woman in the world, and her life - the greatest event of the twentieth century. Achievements little fragile nuns really striking, but her personality is exceptional in importance for all mankind.
On the day of the birth of Mother Teresa Website brought to you quotes that touched the hearts of millions of people.
What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family. We do not need guns and bombs. To defeat evil, we need love and compassion. All the labor of love - it is work for the good of the world. Easy to love long-distance, but not so easy to love neighbors. When you judge people, You do not have time for something to love them. For a family to love enough. And to save - you need to learn to tolerate and forgive.

Let everyone who comes to you, go away, become better and happier. Proud always hurt. Humble never angry, because nothing it does not offend. Proud looking for a special love for yourself. Submissive loves himself, without expecting anything in return! Love and let love be for you is as natural as breathing. Nothing is required. I do not expect anything. If something comes to you, I am thankful. If nothing comes, it means that it did not need to come. The most important medicine - a tender love and care. It is not necessary to do great things. You can make small, but with great love. Disappointed in one person, do not punish the other. All people are different. Do not lose the ability to trust, believe and love. The words of encouragement and greetings may be short, but they have an endless echo.

Everything you do, do it with love, or do not do at all. smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband and your children - no matter who you are smiling - it will help you feel the great love of the people. The greater the love, wisdom, beauty, goodness, you will discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the outside world. God sends us testing, so that we overcome them stronger, not despair. Spread love wherever you are - first and foremost in their own home. Love - is the fruit of that It matures at any time and to which can reach any hand. I have never joined the movement against the war. Call me when will the peace movement. The greatest poverty - a poverty of the heart.
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