Doctors are sounding the alarm: cleaning ears with cotton sticks can be hazardous to your health!
Many of us use cotton swabs to clean ears. It is very convenient and hygienic in our opinion. But more and more doctors are opposed to regular cleaning this device. The reasons they are called mass and the Council is very careful about these things, not to hurt yourself. Take this information into service.
«Frequent cleaning of the ears leads people to see a doctor» em>, - said Leon Chen, MD, of New York.
Firstly, when cleaning sulfur you score even deeper into the ear canals. Over time, this can lead to the formation of cerumen.
Secondly, cleaning the auditory canal, we deprive its protective layer. This means less skin moisturized and more exposed to the bacteria. The ear infections can penetrate and develop inflammation (eg, otitis media).
Third, in recent years a lot of people end up in hospital, accidentally pierced the eardrum with a cotton swab.
To keep the ears clean my water from a children's soap. Physicians are advised to clean the ears stick three times a month. This procedure is best prodelyvat immediately after a shower or bath. It is best to stick to the wound a little more wool to make it softer. And no need to clean them too deeply.
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via takprosto.cc

«Frequent cleaning of the ears leads people to see a doctor» em>, - said Leon Chen, MD, of New York.
Firstly, when cleaning sulfur you score even deeper into the ear canals. Over time, this can lead to the formation of cerumen.
Secondly, cleaning the auditory canal, we deprive its protective layer. This means less skin moisturized and more exposed to the bacteria. The ear infections can penetrate and develop inflammation (eg, otitis media).
Third, in recent years a lot of people end up in hospital, accidentally pierced the eardrum with a cotton swab.
To keep the ears clean my water from a children's soap. Physicians are advised to clean the ears stick three times a month. This procedure is best prodelyvat immediately after a shower or bath. It is best to stick to the wound a little more wool to make it softer. And no need to clean them too deeply.
Share the important information about cleaning the ears with your friends!
via takprosto.cc
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