Germs cause growth of certain types of caves
Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico (Photo: jb10okie / Flickr CC by ND 2.0) i>
Microorganisms are everywhere, you can find them without any problems and in the stratosphere, and deep, very deep underground. Naturally, there are micro-organisms on the ocean floor, they feel good in the caves. At the same time some types of bacteria can cause the growth of the caves, destroying rocks.
In the new study, , published in the prestigious journal Chemical Geology, scientists pay attention to the cave system in Italy, which until still continues to grow. These caves are located in the limestone, which is rather quickly destroyed by acids.
In addition, the caves found hydrogen sulfide (yes, the same gas with the smell of rotten eggs). At that time, as hydrogen sulfide is poisonous to humans and animals, some types of micro-organisms thrive in the environment of the gas. Moreover, these microorganisms servodorod - is food. Cave dwellers microscopic size simply do not have other sources of food, so they use hydrogen sulfide to ensure their livelihoods, highlighting sulfuric acid as a waste. Accordingly, sulfuric acid dissolves limestone, which leads to a slow but steady increase in caves.
This phenomenon is not common and widespread - the world is not so much the caves where there is hydrogen sulfide. Plus and microorganisms that can use it, too, live far from everywhere. But all this is a rarity, too, can not be called. For example, a similar situation is observed in the "Carlsbad Caverns" in New Mexico.
Now, scientists continue to explore the cave of microorganisms, which are often surprised experts. For example, some time ago we were found microbes living in the caves that have never been experienced with antibiotics, but, nevertheless, they are resistant to impact.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/262204/