Quickly save to your favorites! Favorite books the most famous people.
If we want to make a good gift but do not know what to give the man we often donate a book. Indeed, the book - a priceless gift. When we give someone a book, not only do we share with them the joy and something interesting, but also to present to his hands the whole world literary heroes, part of which could be himself. Such a gift can gain even greater value in the eyes of another, if, handing tome, put in a little word that is a favorite literary work of his idol.
And what about the outstanding people read? Today nosy team will try to answer this question. It is worth noting, among our list of several writers. And who, if not, they may be better to advise interesting reading. Perhaps you would like to know what books fascinated Kurt Cobain? Then sit back. This favorite books the most famous people in the world!
Charles Bukowski
1. Jean-Paul Sartre "Nausea»
2. George Orwell "Pounds Down and Out in Paris and London»
3. Louis-Ferdinand Céline "Journey to the End of the Night»
4. Knut Hamsun "Hunger»
5. Ernest Hemingway "The Sun Also Rises»
6. Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes from the Underground».
7. Carson McCullers' The Heart - Lonely Hunter »
Kurt Cobain
1. Charles Bukowski's "Ham on Rye»
2. Laura Wilder "The first four years»
3. Patrick Süskind, "Perfume. Story of a Murderer »
4. Jack Kerouac's "Dharma Bums»
5. Laurens van der Post, "The Seed and the Sower»
Hugh Laurie
1. Herman Melvill "Moby Dick or the White Whale»
2. Joseph Heller "Catch-22»
3. John Steinbeck, "The Grapes of Wrath»
4. Daniel Dennett "Darwin's Dangerous Idea»
5. John Le Carre "The Spy Who Came in from the cold»
JK Rowling
1. Jane Austen's "Emma»
2. Roddy Doyle "Paddy Clarke Ha-ha-ha»
3. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette, "Cheri»
4. E. Nesbit "Treasure Hunters»
5. Elizabeth Goudzh "little white horse in the silver moonlight»
Bruce Springsteen
1. Bertrand Russell, "History of Western Philosophy
2. Herman Melville "Moby Dick or the White Whale»
3. Andrew Sorkin, "Too big to fail»
4. Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina»
5. Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass»,
6. Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian»
Cold autumn night - the best time to wrap yourself in a blanket, a cup of hot tea and began to read a good book. Share this exclusive list of favorite books of famous personalities.
via ofigenno.cc
And what about the outstanding people read? Today nosy team will try to answer this question. It is worth noting, among our list of several writers. And who, if not, they may be better to advise interesting reading. Perhaps you would like to know what books fascinated Kurt Cobain? Then sit back. This favorite books the most famous people in the world!
Charles Bukowski

1. Jean-Paul Sartre "Nausea»
2. George Orwell "Pounds Down and Out in Paris and London»
3. Louis-Ferdinand Céline "Journey to the End of the Night»
4. Knut Hamsun "Hunger»
5. Ernest Hemingway "The Sun Also Rises»
6. Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes from the Underground».
7. Carson McCullers' The Heart - Lonely Hunter »
Kurt Cobain

1. Charles Bukowski's "Ham on Rye»
2. Laura Wilder "The first four years»
3. Patrick Süskind, "Perfume. Story of a Murderer »
4. Jack Kerouac's "Dharma Bums»
5. Laurens van der Post, "The Seed and the Sower»
Hugh Laurie

1. Herman Melvill "Moby Dick or the White Whale»
2. Joseph Heller "Catch-22»
3. John Steinbeck, "The Grapes of Wrath»
4. Daniel Dennett "Darwin's Dangerous Idea»
5. John Le Carre "The Spy Who Came in from the cold»
JK Rowling

1. Jane Austen's "Emma»
2. Roddy Doyle "Paddy Clarke Ha-ha-ha»
3. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette, "Cheri»
4. E. Nesbit "Treasure Hunters»
5. Elizabeth Goudzh "little white horse in the silver moonlight»
Bruce Springsteen

1. Bertrand Russell, "History of Western Philosophy
2. Herman Melville "Moby Dick or the White Whale»
3. Andrew Sorkin, "Too big to fail»
4. Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina»
5. Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass»,
6. Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian»
Cold autumn night - the best time to wrap yourself in a blanket, a cup of hot tea and began to read a good book. Share this exclusive list of favorite books of famous personalities.
via ofigenno.cc
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