9 simple rules how to do great photos
Tips for beginners fotografamVot nine rules of the famous photographer Steve McCurry is competent to take songs that instantly make your photos look better. Some of them you know, such as the rule of thirds, but we recall about the most important rule: you can and should break the rules!
Rule of Thirds: a place of interest - at the intersections. Top line: use the natural lines to direct look at the picture. Diagonal: diagonal lines create the effect of movement. Frame: use the windows and doors as natural frame. Drawing on the background: the contrast between the subject and the background. Fill the frame: get close to your subject. Center leading eye: the dominant position the object in the center of the image. The combination and repetition: the combination of catch the eye. Symmetry: symmetry - it is a pleasure for the eyes.
via sploid.gizmodo.com/9-simple-photography-tips-that-will-make-your-pictures-1691895164
Rule of Thirds: a place of interest - at the intersections. Top line: use the natural lines to direct look at the picture. Diagonal: diagonal lines create the effect of movement. Frame: use the windows and doors as natural frame. Drawing on the background: the contrast between the subject and the background. Fill the frame: get close to your subject. Center leading eye: the dominant position the object in the center of the image. The combination and repetition: the combination of catch the eye. Symmetry: symmetry - it is a pleasure for the eyes.
via sploid.gizmodo.com/9-simple-photography-tips-that-will-make-your-pictures-1691895164
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