Chocolate makes you smarter, reading helps to lose weight and other very strange research
Inaccurate naukiPredlagaem examine the results of the country's "research" in various fields, gave the world a lot of mistakes and confusion.
1. Coffee is gallyutsinatsiiUchёnye say that if you drink too much coffee can cause hallucinations. By drinking up to seven cups a day, the person has the feeling that he was at a seance (and communicates with the dead).
Many respectable scientific and pseudo-scientific publications insisted that coffee has an effect of LSD. BBC even concluded that coffee drinkers three times more ordinary people experience hallucinations. Unfortunately, these data were complete nonsense. Ben Goldak, author of the blog "Bad Science", the researchers noted that the issue of "hallucinations" is quite common, for example, some people thought might be a little confused when they sverhsosredotocheny on their work. The only thing that proves this research - is the presence of their authors rich imagination.
3. From umneyutKazhdomu chocolate chocolate lovers, no doubt, would have liked the idea of being smarter than just swallowing yummy. In 2012 the world was "illumined" scientific research, claims that chocolate consumption per capita is directly related to how many Nobel Prize winners appears in the country. ABC came out with the headline "Maybe chocolate - the key to the Nobel Peace Prize?" The article claimed that this delicacy of the cocoa beans improves the cognitive abilities of the person.
It would be strange to think that the candy can turn us all geniuses, and it should be noted that the original scientific paper does not claim that. Its author, even made a special statement saying that its data do not prove that chocolate somehow affects the intellect. Scientific American published a methodical analysis of the study, which concluded that the document was a mere hoax or is the worst scientific work of the famous. In addition to numerous errors, the author used the two different sets of data do not coincide with each other. Despite this, some sites still periodically reported that chocolate can make you smarter.
4. Balkan kids have superpowers magnet 2011, the year the press was delighted when two Balkan children was found "superpower" as the heroes of the popular comic. It turned out that one boy (Serbia) can somehow mysteriously standing to keep metal utensils on his chest, and another (Croatia), in addition, capable of self-healing as Wolverine.
However, it is worth noting the obvious absurdity of this idea. Mainly the fact that both boys slightly deflected back to metal remained adhered thereto. This obviously would not be necessary if they were "magnetic". The researchers concluded that "superpower" of children is rather a consequence of their unusually greasy and sticky skin. As a boy with a talent Wolverine, Discover magazine said it was probably just the property of young skin - it heals more quickly than adults.
5. Neutrinos faster sveta
In 2011, scientists at CERN (Switzerland) after measuring the speed of neutrinos calculated that this particle is moving faster than light. The consequences of this would be gorgeous. In addition to the evidence that Einstein was wrong, it would also mean the physical possibility of time travel. The physicists of the 20th century would crash, and the story of the birth of the universe would have to be rewritten. That would be probably the most exciting discovery in the history of science and would allow us to look into the distant past. Unfortunately, later it turned out that the information posted unreliable source.
6. Fast Food ozhirenieMechta prevents modern man: unlimited is all you like, and do not gain weight! So when The Atlantic published a scientific article a former professor of statistics David Friedman, entitled "How to unhealthy food can put an end to obesity", the world gladly accepted her note. In this article, Friedman argued that many unprocessed foods less healthy than processed.
With this, as it turned out, you can bet. In an article for the MIT KSJ Tracker Paul Reborn thoroughly understand the study and concluded that the author relied only on assumptions. Friedman showed unhealthy aspects of unprocessed foods, choosing examples of high-calorie and ignoring the mountains of evidence that vegetables, whole grains, fruits and soybeans are much more healthy and useful than fast food.
7. Reading helps pohudet
Unfortunately, many people lose weight without diet and exercise is not possible. Therefore, any vaguely scientific history on the subject of weight loss without any problems and was happy to print a tabloid. But even the tabloid press could not imagine the conclusion drawn from a curious study of the year 2008, namely that children with obesity can lose weight by reading novels. Although the title was expecting that any book can help in weight loss, "the most effective" novels with positive component and a happy ending. The researchers gave a group of children resting in summer camps, a book full of girl who loses a few pounds of weight, and then finds friends. The experimenters found that children who read this book, has lost 1% more than those who did not. But even these meager results were quickly challenged. Discover Magazine named the relationship is very weak and said that too many aspects were not taken into account.
8. The ancient Britons were GPS-navigatoryIdeya ancient civilizations owning futuristic technology - is objectively good. Who would not want to discover jetpack or a spaceship of the third century BC. e.? Tom Brooks of England, for example, really like. And even claimed that the ancient Britons had their own uniforms and GPS-navigators.
Analyzing on the map the location of prehistoric monuments across the country, Brooks discovered that they form a grid of isosceles triangles. University of London mathematician Matt Parker (Matt Parker) noted that the location of, for example, shops Vulvors exactly the same as those of prehistoric «GPS-navigators" Brooks. He then proved that the selective interpretation of data can make almost anything to line up in the same scheme. Although the card Parker was a joke, for Brooks, she was a serious matter. Alas.
9. Use the "Elven dust" can re-grow lost konechnostSpetsialny powder, enabling people to grow their fingers or other limbs lost, would, of course, the Holy Grail of medicine. In 2008, many thought briefly that he was found. A man from Ohio, lishivshemusya phalanx gave "elf dust" powder created from pig bladder that suddenly magically made a finger to recover.
BBC and CNN announced the greatest scientific breakthrough. "We are finally entering a world where amputation is no longer a problem!" Fine, but when real scientists began to study this story, they quickly realized that all this nonsense. The missing part of the finger does not touch the nail plate or even to something, and grew back, of course, itself. There is no "magic" in the "Elven dust" to detect and failed.
10. Alien supercivilization can design the Galaxy 1960, physicist Freeman Dyson came up with a plausible way to detect extraterrestrial civilizations. Arguing that technological progress is severely limited energy needs, he said that aliens might use this effect as stars or even entire galaxies. For this our cosmic brothers on reason would have to put some stars in the Dyson Spheres - the cosmic mega-structure effects, visible from a distance of millions of kilometers. So all you need to do in order to prove the existence of aliens - to find traces of the Dyson Sphere.
It was an amazing theory, and for decades astrobiologists were looking for such traces. Unfortunately, the extensive meta-study, to analyze the next 100,000 galaxies (it was published this year), it found no evidence of the existence of such objects. It should be noted that any Galactic Empire would leave traces, even if the aliens would not use the hypothetical sphere. The universe is already 14 billion years old, it is reasonable to assume that if such a civilization could be, it is a long time ago would have happened. But we still have not found the slightest sign of it.
via listverse.com/2015/05/08/10-debunked-scientific-studies-that-would-have-made-life-awesome/
1. Coffee is gallyutsinatsiiUchёnye say that if you drink too much coffee can cause hallucinations. By drinking up to seven cups a day, the person has the feeling that he was at a seance (and communicates with the dead).
Many respectable scientific and pseudo-scientific publications insisted that coffee has an effect of LSD. BBC even concluded that coffee drinkers three times more ordinary people experience hallucinations. Unfortunately, these data were complete nonsense. Ben Goldak, author of the blog "Bad Science", the researchers noted that the issue of "hallucinations" is quite common, for example, some people thought might be a little confused when they sverhsosredotocheny on their work. The only thing that proves this research - is the presence of their authors rich imagination.
3. From umneyutKazhdomu chocolate chocolate lovers, no doubt, would have liked the idea of being smarter than just swallowing yummy. In 2012 the world was "illumined" scientific research, claims that chocolate consumption per capita is directly related to how many Nobel Prize winners appears in the country. ABC came out with the headline "Maybe chocolate - the key to the Nobel Peace Prize?" The article claimed that this delicacy of the cocoa beans improves the cognitive abilities of the person.
It would be strange to think that the candy can turn us all geniuses, and it should be noted that the original scientific paper does not claim that. Its author, even made a special statement saying that its data do not prove that chocolate somehow affects the intellect. Scientific American published a methodical analysis of the study, which concluded that the document was a mere hoax or is the worst scientific work of the famous. In addition to numerous errors, the author used the two different sets of data do not coincide with each other. Despite this, some sites still periodically reported that chocolate can make you smarter.
4. Balkan kids have superpowers magnet 2011, the year the press was delighted when two Balkan children was found "superpower" as the heroes of the popular comic. It turned out that one boy (Serbia) can somehow mysteriously standing to keep metal utensils on his chest, and another (Croatia), in addition, capable of self-healing as Wolverine.
However, it is worth noting the obvious absurdity of this idea. Mainly the fact that both boys slightly deflected back to metal remained adhered thereto. This obviously would not be necessary if they were "magnetic". The researchers concluded that "superpower" of children is rather a consequence of their unusually greasy and sticky skin. As a boy with a talent Wolverine, Discover magazine said it was probably just the property of young skin - it heals more quickly than adults.
5. Neutrinos faster sveta
In 2011, scientists at CERN (Switzerland) after measuring the speed of neutrinos calculated that this particle is moving faster than light. The consequences of this would be gorgeous. In addition to the evidence that Einstein was wrong, it would also mean the physical possibility of time travel. The physicists of the 20th century would crash, and the story of the birth of the universe would have to be rewritten. That would be probably the most exciting discovery in the history of science and would allow us to look into the distant past. Unfortunately, later it turned out that the information posted unreliable source.
6. Fast Food ozhirenieMechta prevents modern man: unlimited is all you like, and do not gain weight! So when The Atlantic published a scientific article a former professor of statistics David Friedman, entitled "How to unhealthy food can put an end to obesity", the world gladly accepted her note. In this article, Friedman argued that many unprocessed foods less healthy than processed.
With this, as it turned out, you can bet. In an article for the MIT KSJ Tracker Paul Reborn thoroughly understand the study and concluded that the author relied only on assumptions. Friedman showed unhealthy aspects of unprocessed foods, choosing examples of high-calorie and ignoring the mountains of evidence that vegetables, whole grains, fruits and soybeans are much more healthy and useful than fast food.
7. Reading helps pohudet
Unfortunately, many people lose weight without diet and exercise is not possible. Therefore, any vaguely scientific history on the subject of weight loss without any problems and was happy to print a tabloid. But even the tabloid press could not imagine the conclusion drawn from a curious study of the year 2008, namely that children with obesity can lose weight by reading novels. Although the title was expecting that any book can help in weight loss, "the most effective" novels with positive component and a happy ending. The researchers gave a group of children resting in summer camps, a book full of girl who loses a few pounds of weight, and then finds friends. The experimenters found that children who read this book, has lost 1% more than those who did not. But even these meager results were quickly challenged. Discover Magazine named the relationship is very weak and said that too many aspects were not taken into account.
8. The ancient Britons were GPS-navigatoryIdeya ancient civilizations owning futuristic technology - is objectively good. Who would not want to discover jetpack or a spaceship of the third century BC. e.? Tom Brooks of England, for example, really like. And even claimed that the ancient Britons had their own uniforms and GPS-navigators.
Analyzing on the map the location of prehistoric monuments across the country, Brooks discovered that they form a grid of isosceles triangles. University of London mathematician Matt Parker (Matt Parker) noted that the location of, for example, shops Vulvors exactly the same as those of prehistoric «GPS-navigators" Brooks. He then proved that the selective interpretation of data can make almost anything to line up in the same scheme. Although the card Parker was a joke, for Brooks, she was a serious matter. Alas.
9. Use the "Elven dust" can re-grow lost konechnostSpetsialny powder, enabling people to grow their fingers or other limbs lost, would, of course, the Holy Grail of medicine. In 2008, many thought briefly that he was found. A man from Ohio, lishivshemusya phalanx gave "elf dust" powder created from pig bladder that suddenly magically made a finger to recover.
BBC and CNN announced the greatest scientific breakthrough. "We are finally entering a world where amputation is no longer a problem!" Fine, but when real scientists began to study this story, they quickly realized that all this nonsense. The missing part of the finger does not touch the nail plate or even to something, and grew back, of course, itself. There is no "magic" in the "Elven dust" to detect and failed.
10. Alien supercivilization can design the Galaxy 1960, physicist Freeman Dyson came up with a plausible way to detect extraterrestrial civilizations. Arguing that technological progress is severely limited energy needs, he said that aliens might use this effect as stars or even entire galaxies. For this our cosmic brothers on reason would have to put some stars in the Dyson Spheres - the cosmic mega-structure effects, visible from a distance of millions of kilometers. So all you need to do in order to prove the existence of aliens - to find traces of the Dyson Sphere.
It was an amazing theory, and for decades astrobiologists were looking for such traces. Unfortunately, the extensive meta-study, to analyze the next 100,000 galaxies (it was published this year), it found no evidence of the existence of such objects. It should be noted that any Galactic Empire would leave traces, even if the aliens would not use the hypothetical sphere. The universe is already 14 billion years old, it is reasonable to assume that if such a civilization could be, it is a long time ago would have happened. But we still have not found the slightest sign of it.
via listverse.com/2015/05/08/10-debunked-scientific-studies-that-would-have-made-life-awesome/
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