At the festival of dog meat in China ate ten thousand dogs
Friends chelovekaShestoy consecutive year in Yulin city located in southwest China, focused the world's attention. Since 2009, the festival is dog meat - as a tribute to the centuries-old Chinese tradition. This year the date fell on June 22. For one day "culinary festival" were killed and butchered about ten thousand dogs.
Stray animals caught in different parts of China, the most - in the north-west. And then a few days dog went to Yulin - in small cells of three or four dogs each. On the day they became the main ingredient of dishes with dogs skinned, cooked in boiling water and roasted.
On the eve of "feasting" local zoozaschitniki took to the streets with banners, and calls to ban the festival. The event took place surrounded by a crowd of activists, who chanted slogans demanding to release the unfortunate animals.
However, the organizers of the festival believe that eating sobachatiny - is nothing more than following the tradition, which is more than four hundred years. In addition, they argue, eaten on the day of the summer solstice dog meat enhances health. However, the state of such meat is highly questionable: in China regular outbreaks of rabies in stray animals. In particular - in the north, just arrived from the bulk of the dogs. In addition, the meat is cooked in Yulin in the street, without passing the sanitary control.
In order to save at least some of the dogs before the festival zoozaschitniki blocked roads, which carried the dogs to buy them - and transfer to shelters. A 65-year-old school teacher Yang Xiaoyun specially arrived from Tianjin to Yulin, breaking more than two thousand kilometers - to save the life of a hundred animals. The woman is spent on more than a thousand dollars. Keep saved chetvoronogih Xiaoyun will be in his house.
Reactions officials for domestic and international protests this year, was not followed. After all, China's laws do not prohibit to eat dog meat. Therefore, the only thing required officials from the vendors at the festival - to avoid character "dog" signs on institutions. And do not kill animals in public. However, the last day of the festival vendors was not observed.
Petition to ban the immoral festival has signed more than four million people around the world. The collection of signatures organized by the Canadian animal protection organizations Raise Your Paw («Raise your paw»).
In 2011, appeals activists still be heard in another Chinese city - Jinhua, located in Zhejiang Province. There the authorities banned a similar festival. And put an end to 500 years of tradition. In addition, China has become close restaurants that serve dishes from dogs and other exotic animals. Among the reasons - the tightening of regulatory activity and cafes ... the fall in demand for sobachatiny. So, in May, it stopped working one of the oldest restaurants in the city Gunchzhou - "Sunshine". Dishes prepared dogs there since 1963.
In addition to China, sobachatiny is part of the traditional cuisine of Indonesia, South Korea, Nigeria, Ghana, East Timor.
via www.geo.ru/puteshestviya/eda-cheloveka

Stray animals caught in different parts of China, the most - in the north-west. And then a few days dog went to Yulin - in small cells of three or four dogs each. On the day they became the main ingredient of dishes with dogs skinned, cooked in boiling water and roasted.

On the eve of "feasting" local zoozaschitniki took to the streets with banners, and calls to ban the festival. The event took place surrounded by a crowd of activists, who chanted slogans demanding to release the unfortunate animals.

However, the organizers of the festival believe that eating sobachatiny - is nothing more than following the tradition, which is more than four hundred years. In addition, they argue, eaten on the day of the summer solstice dog meat enhances health. However, the state of such meat is highly questionable: in China regular outbreaks of rabies in stray animals. In particular - in the north, just arrived from the bulk of the dogs. In addition, the meat is cooked in Yulin in the street, without passing the sanitary control.

In order to save at least some of the dogs before the festival zoozaschitniki blocked roads, which carried the dogs to buy them - and transfer to shelters. A 65-year-old school teacher Yang Xiaoyun specially arrived from Tianjin to Yulin, breaking more than two thousand kilometers - to save the life of a hundred animals. The woman is spent on more than a thousand dollars. Keep saved chetvoronogih Xiaoyun will be in his house.

Reactions officials for domestic and international protests this year, was not followed. After all, China's laws do not prohibit to eat dog meat. Therefore, the only thing required officials from the vendors at the festival - to avoid character "dog" signs on institutions. And do not kill animals in public. However, the last day of the festival vendors was not observed.

Petition to ban the immoral festival has signed more than four million people around the world. The collection of signatures organized by the Canadian animal protection organizations Raise Your Paw («Raise your paw»).
In 2011, appeals activists still be heard in another Chinese city - Jinhua, located in Zhejiang Province. There the authorities banned a similar festival. And put an end to 500 years of tradition. In addition, China has become close restaurants that serve dishes from dogs and other exotic animals. Among the reasons - the tightening of regulatory activity and cafes ... the fall in demand for sobachatiny. So, in May, it stopped working one of the oldest restaurants in the city Gunchzhou - "Sunshine". Dishes prepared dogs there since 1963.
In addition to China, sobachatiny is part of the traditional cuisine of Indonesia, South Korea, Nigeria, Ghana, East Timor.
via www.geo.ru/puteshestviya/eda-cheloveka
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