10 most interesting unsolved global problems

Why do cells commit suicide? Biochemical events known as apoptosis, sometimes called "programmed cell death" or "cell suicide." For reasons that science is not fully aware of the cells have the ability "to decide to die" is very organized and as expected, which is totally different from necrosis (cell death caused by illness or injury). Order 50-80 billion cells die as a result of programmed cell death in the human body every day, but the mechanism that is behind them, and even the intention is not clear in full.
On the one hand, too much programmed cell death leads to muscle atrophy and muscle weakness, on the other hand - the lack of proper apoptosis allows the cells to proliferate, which may lead to cancer. The general concept of apoptosis was first described by the German scientist Carl Vogt in 1842. Since then, in the understanding of this process, progress has been made sickly, but a full explanation of it or not.
Computational Theory soznaniyaNekotorye scientists equate the activities of the mind to the way a computer processes information. Thus, in the mid-60s it was developed computational theory of mind, and the man began to struggle with the machine seriously. Put simply, imagine that your brain - a computer, and consciousness - an operating system that controls it.
If you immerse yourself in the context of computing, the analogy is simple: in theory, the program outputs data based on a series of input information (external stimuli, sight, sound, and so on. D.) And memory (which can simultaneously calculate the physical hard drive, and our psychological memory) . Program control algorithms, which have a finite number of steps, which are repeated in accordance with the various introductory. Like the brain, the computer should make representations that can not physically be calculated - and this is one of the strongest arguments in favor of this theory.
Nevertheless computing theory differs from a representative theory of consciousness that not all states are representative (such as depression) and hence can not respond to the influence of the computer character. But this philosophical problem: computational theory of mind is working fine, until you came to the "reprogramming" of the brain, which depressed. We can not reset itself to factory settings.
A complex problem soznaniyaV philosophical dialogues "consciousness" is defined as "qualia" and the problem of qualia will haunt humanity, probably forever. Kwale describes the individual manifestations of subjective conscious experience - for example, a headache. We all felt the pain, but there is no way to measure, we experienced the same headache, and in general, whether this experience is common, because the experience of pain is based on our perception of it.
Although research has been done a lot of attempts to define consciousness, no one has developed a generally accepted theory. Some philosophers have questioned the possibility of this.
The problem GeteProblema Gautier is: "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?". This logic puzzle is one of the most frustrating, because it requires us to think about whether truth is a universal constant. She also raises a lot of thought experiments and philosophical arguments, including "Justified True Belief»:
Subject, and knows that Proposition B is true if and only if:
B is true,
and A believes that B is true,
and A is convinced that faith in the truth of B is justified.
blockquote> Critics problems like Gautier believe that it is impossible to prove something that is not true (as the "truth" is considered to be a concept that is building an argument in an immutable status). It is difficult to determine not only that someone means truth, but it means the belief that this is so. And it took a toll on everything from forensic science to medicine.
All colors - in our heads? One of the most difficult in the human experience is the perception of color: whether physical objects in our world have a color, which we recognize and process or process of granting color occurs exclusively in our heads?
We know that the existence of color is required to different wavelengths, but when it comes to our perception of color, our common nomenclature and the simple fact that our heads would probably explode if suddenly we meet never seen until now the color of our universal palette This idea continues to surprise scientists, philosophers and all the rest.
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