Fact of the day: If you notice a person in inanimate objects, it is likely that you are neurotic

In runet we so often see funny pictures of various objects, which seem to frown or a smile, it appears that the person to see where they are not - this is normal. But this is not normal. This is a clear sign of neuroticism.

Pareidolia - a psychological phenomenon that makes people notice the meaningful image where there are none. It is associated with it, "Loch Ness monster", "UFO of a lantern" and "the face of Christ on the sandwich." In addition, pareidolia actively use creative people such as designers and architects, purposely giving shape objects animate beings, to intrigue, or make an object "psychologically close". However, that is what many do not know - pareidolia directly related to the state of mind of man.

In Tokyo, a study was conducted on 166 students. First, scientists using standard questionnaires revealed their psychological state, and then asked to find and describe the objects they see in the figure of randomly placed dots. It was discovered a pattern: students whose level of neuroticism, according to tests, was particularly high, often "seen" at the points of animate objects. In addition, the researchers noticed that women are more prone to pareidolia than men.

In general we can say that thin mental organization, the high level of neuroticism, and even the development of creativity - all this contributes to the manifestation pareidolia.
via factroom.ru
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