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Differences Between Male and Female Brains

After reading these facts, you will be able to deeply understand how fundamental differences determine the behavior of the sexes, and perhaps become more tolerant of the “flaws” (or rather, features) of your soul mate.

1. Women hear twice as well (about 2.3 times) as men. Women hear a man screaming (and think he’s angry), whereas men feel like he’s speaking in a trusting manner, even with a touch of participation.

2. The woman hears the speaker with the help of both hemispheres (left and right), whereas the man hears with the help of the left hemisphere, with the participation of verbal, logical thinking and, therefore, critical thinking. Women have closer connections between the two hemispheres of the brain, which allows them to solve several tasks simultaneously, and the speech of a man seems to them emotionally colored, subjectively aware through their desires and anxieties, missed through ethical or social values. They hear what a man is saying, but they feel even more how he does it, feeling the timbre of a man’s voice, the rhythm of his breathing, his supposed feelings.

3. The left hemisphere of the brain is more developed in women, and the right (so-called emotional) in men. This is contrary to what people (and sometimes even therapists) think. Women are more involved in verbal participation and communication, while men are more prepared for action and competition.

4. In kindergarten, girls talk 4 times more than boys. Boys make noise and fight 10 times more often than girls (average 5 minutes vs. 30 seconds).

At age 9, girls are 18 months ahead of boys in development. Adult women spend an average of 20 minutes on each phone call, men spend 6 minutes on each phone call, and only to convey necessary or urgent information.

5. A woman needs to share her thoughts, feelings, emotions, while a man restrains and controls emotions, trying to find a solution. The husband interrupts his wife to offer a solution, and the wife feels that he is not listening.

6. In fact, men are more emotional than women, but they express their emotions less, and this should not be neglected in married life.

7. For a woman, time is more important, the left hemisphere is responsible for this. A man is more important than space, and here the right hemisphere plays an important role. The advantage of a man in the trials of spatial action is huge, starting from childhood.

A woman finds her way by specific markers – outperforming a man in memorizing or identifying specific objects. The man operates with abstract concepts - he is able to improvise, "short the way to get to his car or hotel."

8. Women are more sensitive, but not emotional. She has a very well developed hearing, which is why tender words, voice timbre, music, etc. are important for her. She has more developed tactile sensitivity - on the skin of a woman there are 10 times more than in men, receptors sensitive to touch. In addition, oxytocin and prolactin (the hormones of attachment and affection) increase her need for touch and affection.

9. As for vision, in men it is more developed and more ero * edified - hence their interest and excitement caused by clothing, make-up, jewelry, nude, pores * graphic magazines. However, women have better visual memory (faces, order of objects, shape of objects, etc.).

10. The fundamental differences between male and female are explained by natural selection over more than a million years of human evolution. The man is adapted to hunting over large spaces and distances (as well as fighting and war between tribes). He usually had to pursue prey in silence, sometimes for days, and then find his way back to his cave (orientation). In ancient times, verbal exchange was very insignificant, it is estimated that prehistoric man in his lifetime met no more than 150 people. During the same period of time, a woman’s brain adapted to her primary purpose of raising children, which required verbal communication. On the biological level, man is programmed to compete and woman to cooperate.

11. These differences are laid down during the very first weeks of prenatal life and are very little influenced by education and culture. Today it is believed that our personality is determined by a third of heredity, a third of fetal life. Personality is determined by a third and acquired knowledge, which is influenced by the cultural environment, level of education, upbringing, accidental circumstances.

12. When the ball is on the ground, the boys kick it, and the girls pick it up and press it to the chest. This happens involuntarily and is directly related to hormones.

Testosterone is a hormone of desire, sexuality and aggression. It could be called the hormone of conquest (military or military). In the optimal concentration of testosterone:

  • develops muscle strength (40% of muscles in men; 23% in women);
  • It causes speed of reactions and incontinence (92% of drivers signal in traffic jams, and it is mainly men);
  • contributes to the formation of aggression, competition, dominance (the dominant male maintains the quality of the species);
  • develops endurance, perseverance;
  • promotes wound healing, increased baldness, sharpness, development of right sided body, accuracy of movements and orientation.
12. Estrogens, in turn, contribute to the development of dexterity, separate movement of the fingers, left-handedness of the body, as well as the formation of about 15% of the body fat in men and 25% in women, necessary to protect and feed the baby.

Estrogens also affect a woman's hearing, she distinguishes a greater range of sounds, better than a man (6 times), recognizes sounds and music, and sings better. A woman remembers the names of flowers well, she also has a well-developed auditory and visual memory. A woman is attracted to a dominant male, strong, protective, experienced and socially recognized, who is usually older in age.

13. A woman speaks without thinking; a man acts without thinking.

14. A woman who is unhappy in personal relationships has problems at work; a man who is unhappy at work has problems with women.

15. A woman needs intimacy in order to appreciate sexuality, a man needs sexuality in order to appreciate intimacy.

via factroom.ru