10 the most common myths about fitness that time would have to forget
Fitness - it's cool, fashionable and widespread already seems to be everywhere. Information on the topic - in bulk, but it does not insure people from making stupid mistakes. The site publishes a list of the most common misconceptions about fitnese.1. To lose weight quickly, the most important thing - trenirovatsyaEto not. The research results suggest that in the short term diet is much more important than the increase in the intensity sports. In the long term, however, regular exercise are more important to stay in shape.
2. Strength training will make fat myshtsyNea. Lifting weights will not make magically your flabby muscles strong. Unfortunately, the fat is not converted into muscles. But lifting weights will help you build muscle tissue.
3. The best time for training - early utroSoglasno results of several studies, afternoon and evening as good for employment, as well as early morning. However, some studies suggest that early training to help accelerate weight loss.
In addition, daylight plays an important role in weight loss. By synchronizing our internal clock, or a daily biorhythms, natural, we are helping to speed up the metabolism. According to one recent study, people who enjoyed the sun during the first two hours after waking up, were thinner than those that received no natural light, no matter what they ate during the day.
4. Women should not lift weights, but then they have formed men figuraZnaete what? Lifting weights is perfectly safe - and is very useful for muscle strength. The ability to build large muscles depends on the level of testosterone, and in women it is below average. So if you're a woman, chances are that you are "pumped up" incredibly small.
5. A few minutes on the treadmill will start the process of burning zhiraChtoby to lose a pound, you must burn 3,500 calories - much more than the number of calories the average adult (man or woman) eats for a day. For comparison, the average American man will burn about 330 calories in twenty minutes of jogging at a moderate pace.
6. Keeping a food diary - a reliable way to control what you editeNe exactly.
Even if we try to relate more consciously to what we put in his mouth, and how actively conducting life, we tend to trust yourself more than you should.
"People tend to overestimate their physical activity and underestimate how much food they consume, - said Philip Stenfort, a scientist from the University of Texas and Texas director of the Institute of fitness. - All are constantly thinking that exercise more and eat less ».
7. To lose weight, you must reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and saharaProblema trendy diets are very simple: they are temporary. To lose weight and keep fit, you need to find a diet that you can stick with for life.
"We're talking that sat on a diet, which suggests that we are her tears. That's the whole point, "- said Philip Stenfort.
8. to run a marathon - the best way to become slim and podtyanutymHoroshie news: you can cease to be ashamed of what you have not signed up to run a marathon, which all say so. In fact, you can get all the benefits of running to the far distance, without breaking the line in 8 km.
A quick run of five to ten minutes a day can bring the same health benefits as running clock. In fact, the people who run at least one hour a week (if they run every day), receive the same benefits for the heart, as well as those who are running for more than three hours a week.
Recent studies suggest that short intense exercise can yield the same health benefits as long grueling sessions - and yet they are more fun!
9. takes one or two times a week is enough to stay in formeEsli you're in decent shape, exercise three times a week will not do much good.
"It is best to at least three times a week - says Shawn Arent, a scientist at Rutgers University. - In fact, you should do something every day, and the word "something" I mean physical activity - just move ».
10. If you stop watching and take at least two weeks to lose formuK Unfortunately, all these strong muscles on which you've worked in the summer, most likely, will begin to fade after a few days after you stop training.
In most cases, the muscles begin to disappear for a week without regular employment.
via bigpicture.ru/?p=676006
2. Strength training will make fat myshtsyNea. Lifting weights will not make magically your flabby muscles strong. Unfortunately, the fat is not converted into muscles. But lifting weights will help you build muscle tissue.
3. The best time for training - early utroSoglasno results of several studies, afternoon and evening as good for employment, as well as early morning. However, some studies suggest that early training to help accelerate weight loss.
In addition, daylight plays an important role in weight loss. By synchronizing our internal clock, or a daily biorhythms, natural, we are helping to speed up the metabolism. According to one recent study, people who enjoyed the sun during the first two hours after waking up, were thinner than those that received no natural light, no matter what they ate during the day.
4. Women should not lift weights, but then they have formed men figuraZnaete what? Lifting weights is perfectly safe - and is very useful for muscle strength. The ability to build large muscles depends on the level of testosterone, and in women it is below average. So if you're a woman, chances are that you are "pumped up" incredibly small.
5. A few minutes on the treadmill will start the process of burning zhiraChtoby to lose a pound, you must burn 3,500 calories - much more than the number of calories the average adult (man or woman) eats for a day. For comparison, the average American man will burn about 330 calories in twenty minutes of jogging at a moderate pace.

6. Keeping a food diary - a reliable way to control what you editeNe exactly.
Even if we try to relate more consciously to what we put in his mouth, and how actively conducting life, we tend to trust yourself more than you should.
"People tend to overestimate their physical activity and underestimate how much food they consume, - said Philip Stenfort, a scientist from the University of Texas and Texas director of the Institute of fitness. - All are constantly thinking that exercise more and eat less ».
7. To lose weight, you must reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and saharaProblema trendy diets are very simple: they are temporary. To lose weight and keep fit, you need to find a diet that you can stick with for life.
"We're talking that sat on a diet, which suggests that we are her tears. That's the whole point, "- said Philip Stenfort.
8. to run a marathon - the best way to become slim and podtyanutymHoroshie news: you can cease to be ashamed of what you have not signed up to run a marathon, which all say so. In fact, you can get all the benefits of running to the far distance, without breaking the line in 8 km.
A quick run of five to ten minutes a day can bring the same health benefits as running clock. In fact, the people who run at least one hour a week (if they run every day), receive the same benefits for the heart, as well as those who are running for more than three hours a week.
Recent studies suggest that short intense exercise can yield the same health benefits as long grueling sessions - and yet they are more fun!
9. takes one or two times a week is enough to stay in formeEsli you're in decent shape, exercise three times a week will not do much good.
"It is best to at least three times a week - says Shawn Arent, a scientist at Rutgers University. - In fact, you should do something every day, and the word "something" I mean physical activity - just move ».
10. If you stop watching and take at least two weeks to lose formuK Unfortunately, all these strong muscles on which you've worked in the summer, most likely, will begin to fade after a few days after you stop training.
In most cases, the muscles begin to disappear for a week without regular employment.
via bigpicture.ru/?p=676006
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