10 facts on Twitter

1. Only 40% of users who have created an account for Twitter, are beginning to use it.
2. 41% of all tweets devoted to "small talk", even 38% - "just talk." The remaining 21% - this retweets (9%), self-promotion (6%), spam (4%) and news (4%).
3. In March 2011, Twitter will be Russian-speaking, and in January of this year, will be available for public beta.
4. Owners of BlackBerry - the most sensitive Twitterers in the world.
5. In August 2010, the number of entries in the account exceeded twenty billion. Jubilee message was sent from Japan by the user with the nicknameGGGGGGo_Lets_Go.
6. September 21, 2010 Twitter users have experienced a first in the history of the service mass virus attack.
7. In Japan, chat on Twitter during working hours is a violation for which punishment could follow from a warning to dismissal.
8. The most popular topics discussed on Twitter in 2010 was the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the World Cup in South Africa and fiction thriller «Inception» («Start»).
9. Here www.twitter.com/#!/verified/world-leaders is a list of the world's political leaders, who have accounts on Twitter.
10. At the top of Twitter (Trending: Worldwide) twice got the words written in Cyrillic: "rain" (20 July 2010) and "Manezh" (11 December 2010).
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