Center for the gaming industry of America is not in Las Vegas, and next to it

Las Vegas Strip (Eng. Las Vegas Strip) - about semikilometrovy plot Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada, USA. Here is most of the major hotels and casinos of Las Vegas metropolitan area, and the Strip is outside the city and administratively belongs to the suburbs - Paradise and Winchester.
Historically casinos in Las Vegas were only allowed in the city center on Fremont Street, which forced some businesses to open their places of its administrative boundary. The first casino, which opened at the site, now known as the Strip, were «El Rancho Vegas», which appeared in 1941 and lasted for about twenty years. Streep began to grow rapidly; the era of huge entertainment complex began in 1969 with the opening of «International Hotel» on the 1512 numbers (now known as «Las Vegas Hilton»). Currently located on the Strip are many such establishments that combine hotel, shopping mall, amusement park and so on.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
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